Earth is flat

The earth is flat. If it wasn’t we would just fall off into space the same way asteroids fling off other planets. The only reason it looks round is because
of the vacuum in space. It bends
the light in a circle.

Furthermore, with the size of earth if it was actually round, then the side facing away from the sun would instantly freeze. Anyone who says the earth is round likely believes idiots like bill nye who says that trannies are women.

Science is about being politically correct and making money, not the truth and reality of actual life.

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bro honestly why should i care what shape the earth is

because you live on it dipshit

weakest troll in the history of weak trolls

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explain gravity
classical Newtonian gravity is acceptable
or use general relativity if you prefer

How do yo explain sunlight on one side and darkness on the other at the same time doofus?

What do you want explained?


>What do you want explained?
the behavior of the Cavendish balance

The sun is always on one side of earth, the darkness is caused by mountains, buildings, ect blocking the light which is why it is never 100% pitch black at night. If the earth was a ball then the bottom half would be pitch black with 0% light.

Fairly funny parody of a flerf post. 8.5/10

you really triggered the libtards with this one OP

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only in your fantasy
gravity never explained

Gravity is a leftist theory just like transgender groomers

>a leftist theory just like transgender groomers
transgender groomers are a leftist theory?

im not the one who mentioned anything about gravity. Go read a book about
it if you want to learn faggot

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I asked for an explanation of gravity from a flat earth perspective
no response
what a surprise

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you expect someone to explain the science of gravity to you over a Any Forums post? Are you fucking retarded?

>Are you fucking retarded?
No, flat earthers are.
They can't even explain simple, everyday phenomena

Gravity isn’t real dumbass. It’s just an excuse to convince you that earth is round.

Then you explain it genius

not responding I see… real smartass you are. I’ll wait for you to finish googling the information.

>Then you explain it genius
lets use simplistic Newtonian gravity
all over the world if you drop a mass it moves to the center of mass (approximately the center of the nearly spherical earth)
if it were a flat earth it would still fall toward the center of mass, which would be the center of the flat earth disc
at the "edges" of the disk the mass would fall at an angle approximately given by the distance from the center of the disc divided by the height from the surface, approximately 90°.
this is never observed

so what??? I don't need to know that just like I don't need to know exactly why junk food is unhealthy. you are an autistic with hyperfixation problems.

makes no sense. If you drop something it will fall to the ground because the ground has more mass than the sky. That proves nothing about its shape.

Ok then the bottom of the planet would fall off. /thread

it's the angle that's not accounted for by flat earthers
it will fall to the center of mass of the earth -- the center of a flat earth disc

Humans are flat.
Mars is flat
The moon is flat.

All of these things have been established with 100% certainty. HOWEVER. Nobody's ever been to the sun. So I want to launch an appeal right here and now. WHO wants to go to the sun with me to certify that it is ACTUALLY flat?!

Because it is. This is like a 100% ROI no risk involved. The sun is AS FLAT as the earth is.

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Wow, look at this fucking moron.
YOU are terminally stupid asshole.
Just KYS now moron, no one will miss you.

I've never actually witnessed one of these threads before. I'm assuming its fueled by trolls because you can get creative while passing people off but just how many impressionable retards do you think actually buy into it because they're incapable of thinking outside the box and using common sense physics?

You don't see any right wing chads questioning their gender when they fuck kids do you?