Android is... LE FREEDOM

>android is... LE FREEDOM
>can't take square photos

Attached: BLDsngaBgyYd.jpg (883x883, 97.94K)

>take photo
>crop to square

mine can take square photos fine. can you play webms yet?

>is too retarded to crop

Attached: kek.jpg (1000x1000, 229.64K)

Uhm... You can? At least on Samsung. Camera app there has a 1:1 aspect ratio.

Attached: galaxy_s10_photo_size.jpg (300x126, 3.81K)

this is the first time I've heard of this use-case in my entire life

Just use Snapseed* to crop it into a square.
*This is not a Sneed joke.

ifags grasping at straws

Attached: 1656674297396.png (256x256, 110.63K)

>tap one button
>get square photo
>take photo
>close camera app
>install termux
>sudo apt install imagemagick
>open file browser to find the DICM folder
>pushd /wherever/the/fuck
>oh fuck how do i crop in imagemagick
>google for 5 minutes
>copy paste command
>it seems to work
>go back to file browser to find where imagemagick placed it
>takes a while but you find it
>you have two photos: one square, one not square
>delete non square photo
>have square photo

Android: not even once

Attached: vBMTiGa9iqFI.jpg (1448x2048, 293.13K)

yes, and?

Ayo teacher this nigga changing her filenames and image hashes so you can't see her history of absolutely terrible Applefag baiting in the archives lmfao

why are all apple shills absolute dumbfucks?

iOS can do things in a single tap that Android needs a million steps to do. This is why Android sucks and nobody uses it outside of PC gaymen tinker trannies and other subsets of incels.

Attached: l5jWMo53N2by.jpg (512x512, 32.53K)

Because they are iToddlers.

>open camera app
>select 1:1
>get square photo

Itoddlers BTFO

1:1 is a thing, nigger.
Why do you even need it?

But it can?

lmao imagine having to make shit up so you can feel better about your iToy

what the hell is even this retarded ass thread
jannies do your job

>>can't take square photos
are you sure about that fag?

Attached: IMG_20220825_024507.jpg (720x1440, 90.67K)