Redpill me on getting a Math degree over a CS degree

Redpill me on getting a Math degree over a CS degree.
>General knowledge related to multiple over fields
>Shoyld be easier to make a switch if the tech bubble pops
>Focus on CS fundamentals like algebraic logic
>Was shilled as the degree of choice by the Smartest Programmer ever to live
>No retard tier class mates
>No framework bs
Sounds pretty based to me.

Attached: Terry_A._Davis_2017.jpg (640x480, 122.28K)

More women than in CS
High IQ classmates
Not really useful for getting any job, except as a general "this guy is clearly smart and meets the tertiary education checkbox" which only gets you so far.

fuck off we’re full

no lol? maybe applied math major is competitive but pure math major is pretty much vacant

you'll also get to live in a cabin in a forest, and send mail bombs made with your immense math skills to random people.
definitely based.

why not physics? and it's pretty relevant more than ever now

Math doesn't have nearly as good job prospects as CS. It's going to be hard to make your time back in money.

>More women than in CS
Are they at least autistic?

On the contrary, If you're a reasonably smart person, you can get a CS degree and be a king of the mental midgets and skip the rat race for jobs

If you like numbers then you probably won't like CS because computers only use 0 and 1 which isn't very many numbers and you might lose interest due to there being only two numbers

>Hello mister boss man I can resolve Triple integral!
>Ok cool here's a broom.

so wise

Well, most of the higher education math is proof-based, so there aren't many numbers either

More like:
>Hello mister boss man I have a high level of understanding of statistics and my ability to recognize repeating patterns is above average
>Ok cool please manage my 10+ mil portfolio, I will pay you 150k starting plus a bonus

This is straight up a cope, CS is just applied computational theory, which any good math course will cover thoroughly these days due to increasing relevance. You'll "learn 2 code" like the rest of the MIT niggers.

And then you wake up

Math -> CS grad school is the way to go.

Sounds like you've got it all figured out faggot. Have fun job hunting in 4 years


Autism is a fake disease invented by (((them))) to stigmatize an inconvenient personality type.

A shitty IT degree will have better job prospects. People still think difficulty = more money when it's blatantly untrue. Unless you do grad school a Math degree is only slightly better than any other science bachelors.

If you love really love Math and are good at it, get a math bachelors then do a masters in CS.

Wrong, in most classes there will be infinitely many infinite sets of numbers. :)

I am 12: the post

all women in mathematics are slightly spergy turbonormies

nobody is stopping you from doing both like??
it's pretty fun getting a view from both perspectives tbdesu