Budist books now , don't know watch to do , bottom of the pit

need help now before is to latel

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too suicidal, not thinking clearly, 8help a frend

Help with what exactly

You should try finding a meditation to do on Youtube.

i saw in/lit/ a good list, bit I'm too drunk to remember, op here catcha is shit

World of Warcraft

thank you all,from the bottom of the heart, i know you are all stillhere

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck at least not drunk enough to mistype the ccapcha phone autocorrect help
into phoneposter, I'm 32 older than you

inbf you understand watch I said

What in gods name do you want, ask clearly.

in saw somequind of list in lit about budism, anything help now, list of books, I need to hold on something8xv08

please please please, I love you all

the heart if the buddha ok but very technical more for already practicing bhudists

alan watts i would read

thank you so fucking mutch, kudos for you,fuck I heat this world, be proud

whyisvso fucking hard todownload, I need coffe,don't wants go to the suicidethread onr9k they don't help

masturbate and go to bed

got a Goodrich without knowing for the op

good advice but not enought

fucking love you all

suicide sucks you probably won't die and you can't improve your life anymore. Right now you have the opportunity to make decisions that will improve your life tomorrow. In a few years you won't want to die anymore.

you don't understand my life is great but I don't want anymore it doesn't help

of aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadont know anymore

so funny, still try to do the capcha

pdf drive

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it will pass,I've been like this before and I will be again, I will still post tomorrow everything is so fucking easy

I love you so much now lenon

still faith inhumanity thanks to you, the good ones are still awake

in do not believe but reading will keep me distracted until it pass