#Include <String.h>

You didn't write your own C code, you downloaded a library to write your code for you.

Attached: f1d.jpg (1200x768, 101.53K)

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Sometimes I wonder if I'm too stupid for programming, then I come across shit like this

char[] string = "String.h is bloat";


Attached: 1644275260559.png (1194x1200, 518.01K)

so whats the point in using these libraries when they aren't written in a lower level and highly optimized?

I think you may be retarded

First of all, it's #include , and second of all, why re-solve solved problems instead of building upon existing solutions to solve new problems? nigger

Strlen you hob goblin

I write all my #includes with at least one capital letter to piss off the Lintards.
#include // works on windows, not in lintroon :^)


The tranny OS would actually be the one that doesn't differentiate between capital and lowercase letters, this is mental illness. Congrats on writing software that no one will use and that only works on your toy OS though.

Ubuntu is windows for lincucks

>ubuntu is the only linux distribution
>t. winfag

>Congrats on writing software that no one will use and that only works on your toy OS though.
I have 60 stars on github and my software isn't even really in a usable state yet (alpha state). Cope seethe dil8.
Also case sensitivity in file systems is unironically brain damaged.
>yeah bro, Instructions.txt and Instructions.TXT are totally different files with COMPLETELY different contents bro
>totally reasonable
I hate linux so much

You're telling me you'd rather see `while (*dst++ = *src++);` instead of calls to strcpy and `for (; *s != 'c'; s++);` instead of calls to strchr? string.h is the most basic library, it's not much at all.

60 WHOLE stars? Wow, that's a lot. Post your github so I can see this code.

Before you go shouting about the quality of the code, as I said it's very very early alpha stage and I'm in the middle of a big refactor and rewrite to clean up the mess.
Check out my notepad and snipping tool mod too if you want something that's actually finished and usable (I use both of those modded tools every day), although regretfully they don't have many stars.

If it makes you feel any better NTFS itself is case-sensitive so if you have to mount it on macos or linux you won't get any nasty surprises. The Windows API just lies.

I'm telling you to stop being a thief of archaic code to be a inspiration and not a foundation for your projects

I feel so bad for c/c++ programmers. trained to think of any standard library feature as inherently broken and insufficient to the point where it's a badge of pride to continuously reinvent the wheel every time you write a new program

imagine being able to write "import solution_to_my_problem" being seen as something suspicious and bad, instead of useful and important

that's why you use the Windows API (developed in the 1980s with forwards compatibility and security in mind) instead of the tranny C API (developed in 1969 and does not include ANY provisions against buffer overflow)

Ah yes, the eternal winfag committing binary blobs and visual studio bullshit to version control, with no real directory structure or even a license included. At least your OS can't tell the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters though!
60 upcummies means nothing except that you posted this on reddit and people liked the idea, obviously no one is using this and obviously it only "works" on your toy OS.

I don't "commit", I just drag and drop my entire visual studio project onto github and make the github janny deal with which files have changed since last time.
>visual studio bullshit
So other people can just download it into their visual studio and click F7 and it just werks. Can't say the same of your Linsux trannyware.
>posted this on reddit
didnt post it on reddit but nice cope

Attached: 1627962420585.jpg (554x691, 82.98K)

Lol, have fun retard.

Cope seethe trannoid lincucker. Once I finish these design improvements, write proper documentation and polish the UI/UX of my app it will be 10x more popular than whatever linux dotfile organizing emacs scripts you have in your repo.

I have repos with thousands of stars that people actually use, because they are actually useful and work cross-platform, and I know how to use version control and real build systems. They are also released under strong freedom-respecting software licenses.
I would love to post my projects here to reiterate how worthless you are, but they are released under my real name (I'm not embarrassed of my work like you are), and I don't want my real name associated with 4channel. I respect your confidence to post that worthless pile of dog shit in response to me talking about useful software though, based retard