So I was watching Downsizing the other day...

So I was watching Downsizing the other day, and something I noticed is that almost all of the people who get shrunk are Protestants. That got me a bit scared honestly. Can you imagine how terrifying the world would be if all Protestants were shrunk to the size of mice while Catholics remained normal sized? It would be an absolute nightmare.

Attached: 1632523479361.png (1920x808, 1.12M)

Nobody gives a fuck about your faggot trash analysis of some retarded ass movie. Take up a more interesting fascination like the quickest way to kill yourself you pile of nigger shit


I'd kill them by suffocating them inside my asshole


Because I don't respect the religious

And it'd feel good as they squirmed and tickled my prostate

And being religious means we deserve to suffocate to death in your rectum? Seriously?

In all seriousness if you believe in religion in this day and age with access to the Internet you have got to be one of the most gullible brainless human beings on earth. This isn’t Democrats versus Republicans, this is the origins of the fucking universe. If you think the same book that says slavery is legal and women should be silenced also contains the truth of all the universe you’ve got to be absolutely diluted. And it’s also fantastically convenient that it happened 2000 years ago in the middle of the desert as opposed to the beginnings of humanity 100,000 years ago to the entire world

Along with capitalists

Not all parts of the bible are meant to be taken 100% literally.

Well, I'll just have to bite you then.

Because it’s fiction user

Bold of you to assume I won't enjoy that too


So what about the parts about slavery and women being silenced those seem pretty damn literal

Then I'd just push my way out of your asshole

Obviously gay.

Seems like ur dumb and gay. Read about gsy history on the internet. People like you are the bane of existence.

Reddit is calling and it’s time for you to go back.

>but slavery and silencing women are in the Bible!
Yeah, those are the best parts of the Bible. If you have access to the Internet and can read both the Old and New Testament in your native language while still denying the truth that is man’s superiority in order to defend the lesser sex and rush to the aid of the Negro then you are irredeemable.

All the more reason to heed them, right?