Why everybody loves this nigga

Why everybody loves this nigga

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I don't fucking know. He's super unfunny, unless you're a child who gets entertained by Loud = Funny, i don't see why anyone would enjoy his content

I don't fucking know. He's super unfunny, unless you're a child who gets entertained by Loud = Funny, i don't see why anyone would enjoy his content

I don't fucking know. He's super unfunny, unless you're a child who gets entertained by Loud = Funny, i don't see why anyone would enjoy his content

I don't fucking know. He's super unfunny, unless you're a child who gets entertained by Loud = Funny, i don't see why anyone would enjoy his content

I know. He's super funny, unless you're a boomer who is not entertained by Loud = Funny, i don't see why anyone would not enjoy his content.

I don't fucking know. He's super unfunny, unless you're a child who gets entertained by Loud = Funny, i don't see why anyone would enjoy his content

I don't fucking know. He's super unfunny, unless you're a child who gets entertained by Loud = Funny, i don't see why anyone would enjoy his content

I like ChiseledAdonis vids sometimes, but haven't subscribed till he stops doing similar yelling/blowing out mic=/=comedy bit

he a funny ass nigga lmao :)

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Literally just came out of nowhere, I'm convinced the jews groom or breed these people that they shoot into popularity for some reason cuz its so weird how people like him and moistcritikal get so famous outta nowhere when pewdiepie and them got famous for understandable reasons its just weird asf.Literally one day all of YouTube is blowing up cuz of some black kid then he stays and its just like he was always here

lol cr1tikal has been around for like a decade, he didn't come out of nowhere

Think about if ur a rich kid that wants to be a famous streamer, look at post Malone, telling ppl he was living in his friends closet and shit.. it was probably a fuckn walk-in closet ffs.

I think when a good looking rich kid wants a career they just put down the money, n the media schemes do the rest, I.e bots, pay other famous ppl to hangout with/endorse, etc

U blame shekelstwin but I don't think it's much more sinister than making money & knowing the market

his popularity came from no where

Negro men are americas god like lil nas x

Um but hes a kid, he didn't make any money they get handed money or a finished set up stream with a donate button and shill his shit.

I agree that some of them have been at it a while or had decent content.. but I also think that some are thrust into the light for monetary gain, against the betterment of the community

I can't talk on moist kuz idk much, but look at doc.. garbage in every other game but when he was a paid promotional character in h1z1, he was blapn everything, same goes for most apex "pro" fuckbois on twitch... these ppl are paid n software modded cashcows; most companies prolyake more money from their twitch installations than their game


>rich kids
>but he's a kid
Ik ur parents left you at a young age for being a racist retard.. but since the dawn of money; rich kids usually are said rich, via their parents

Algorithm sweet spots. It's why pewdiepie went from playing videogames to reviewing wsg memes to whatever the fuck he does now. Just look at what happened to idubbz. Leafy came out of nowhere because the algorithm was made for him for a year

But you said he made money and knew the market you're dumb as fuck