Sup 4ch. I'm from Russia, but sometimes I sit in English-speaking Discord channels and I noticed such a thing...

Sup 4ch. I'm from Russia, but sometimes I sit in English-speaking Discord channels and I noticed such a thing, that there are VERY many transgender people on several, unrelated channels. Literally every other one has the role of they/them or something. Do you have a mass schizophrenia there or something? I understand when someone has their own thing going on there, but when a large number of people have it's weird to me. And why exactly are they/them so popular?
Also ask your questions.

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Liberalism does not work

You wouldn't understand this meme.

The LGBTQIA2++ agenda has seeped into western culture at a concerningly deep level. Many people online now express themselves through the lens of gender ideology first and foremost, because many people lack meaningful purpose in all other areas of their life. For an alarming percentage of the western population, being a "they/them" or "xe/xir" is what makes them feel like they belong.

Lol, LGBTQIA2++ has now turned into LGBTQIA2++, it's fucking moronic.
They'd better go touch weed or get a job

There's a mistake, I mean "lgbt" has now turned into LGBTQIA2++

Ohh, no, I was just using the abbreviated version of the acronym. The politically correct term is actually "LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP+"; I just don't care or respect the idea enough to acknowledge it as such.

I'm right there with ya though. This is the peak example of what "first world problems" breed. We become so unthreatened and content with our condition that some people start making shit like this an issue to keep themselves busy.

Weak men make bad times make strong men make good times make weak men

You can probably guess where we currently are in that one.

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Your government did this to us

Лoл, пиздeц aхaхaхa
What the fuck is such a long name for, it's so fucking stupid and what can be there besides gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people, I can't think of anything
Do you see a lot of people IRL like that?

Yes, this is Putin's secret plan to turn you into retards

>what can be there besides gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people
People who don't identify as biologically male or female, people whose "gender identity" isn't one that matches their biological sex, people who believe they're a divine being/animal/planet/some other ambiguous entity trapped in a human body, people who believe they're actually multiple people in one body...

Yes, millions of people actually subscribe to this ideology. To those of us who don't, it's painful to see happen in real time.

>Do you see a lot of people IRL like that?
No. As far as the USA goes, most of them are localized in California and other large urban hubs. They are however most prevalent in college campuses, because western colleges are especially notorious for platforming, encouraging, and forcing this sort of ideology unto its students. I've seen a few LGBT-eccentric people at my college, for example, but it's not frequent enough to act like seeing them is a normal occurrence. I'd still do a double take any time I see some dumbass wearing a furry buttplug though, which has happened more than once.

why aren’t you fighting in Ukraine?
Are you a faggot or a coward?



Yes. I too deleted discord.

>People who don't identify as biologically male or female, people whose "gender identity" isn't one that matches their biological sex, people who believe they're a divine being/animal/planet/some other ambiguous entity trapped in a human body, people who believe they're actually multiple people in one body
I thought its all is just "transgender" thing, lul
A вooбщe coчyвcтвyю вaм, нaдeюcь, вcё нaлaдитcя и бyдeт хopoшo

The umbrella term for the whole thing is "progressivism," which is why gender politics is a thing. Transgenderism is just one of the larger issues within that umbrella term. A lot of people conflate it interchangeably with the LGBT thing.

Either way, it's pretty ridiculous, yeah.

Oмг, pyccкoгoвopящий дeтeктeд
Only contract servicemen go to the war with Ukraine (although there are rumors that they sometimes send regular conscripts, too), but I have not served even in the regular army yet.

why not?

Because I want to study at the institute to begin with.
After the institute I will go to the army anyway, and it will be approximately when I will be 25-26 years old.
In general, I would like to work for the FSS (Federal Security Service, something like the FBI), but I was in the States five times, so they will not take me

People are talking about a liberal plot and the disease of progressivism and this and that. Ignore them, they're faggots. The reality is there aren't a ton of trans people but because they get a lot of shit in real life, they tend to retreat into online spaces (like discord) at a much higher rate. It's simple. That's also why the Any Forums neet/incel crowd reports so many of them as well, because they also retreat into similar spaces and therefore encounter them more often.
Are you for or against the war? Are you worried you will face consequences for calling it war rather than military operation?

so you’re a coward.

this, op needs to apologize right now

Fucking bait that the right wing Americans will fall for everytime.

It's a cult produced by our oligarchs to achieve several goals. Human mass experimentation, mass sterilization, money, mass execution, and social division within classes. It's basically part of a soft coup against government by corporations.

We will soon be in a sort of shadow run era.

Attached: PR=Propaganda.jpg (480x342, 47.27K)

It is so called because of legal subtleties. War implies a general mobilization of the population, which, thank God, is not happening, so it is called a special operation.
"For or against" the question is complicated, I do not want people to die, especially Ukrainians are almost like brothers to Russians, but this war has a long complicated background, which includes the violation of agreements by Ukraine and so on
Also, it is simply wrong not to support your country, it is not patriotic, since we are in this situation, it is better to win than to lose, but I help both the affected people of our country and the affected residents of Ukraine, as civilians are not involved.
But the main thing you should understand is that this is not because of Putin's schizophrenia, but because of a huge number of reasons and subtleties, including the gas channel, which for some reason America is against, although America is in the middle of nowhere, while the same Germany is quite willing to buy gas from us and buys it