Why don’t most men want therapy or psychiatric meds?

Why don’t most men want therapy or psychiatric meds?

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Costs money

My willpower is enough most of the time


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That shit's gay and retarded

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Why don't feminist and trannies want psych meds?

cuz we out here bussin', on god


because we were taught to not seek it by our fathers
and they were taught the same
its a cycle of retardation

I’m not talking about men who don’t have money, I’m talking about men who refuse going therapy when they have the ability

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Therapy = Spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to get sent to a psychiatric hospital
Meds = Spend hundreds or thousands for nothing but side effects

I take meds but therapy is woman shit and you know that. Why don't women encourage aggression outlets like boxing or even doing simple sports where men can form bonds and support each other? Always saying men should encourage women but it's never the other way around. You all could absolutely unfuck the state of men by getting them to things that would make them feel happy. No, you tell them to do shit that'll make you happy like go fucking cry in front of a woman for $200 an hour turning them into emotional little pussies that you can control.

Men's mental health is stigmatized because of Toxic Masculinity and the remnants of patriarchy that still lingers in our culture.

Then why are you a grown man who still lives with his parents if you know so much?

Because most men don't get any value from it. We already know how to think critically. We already know how to be patient and chill. We can be assertive when we need to and know how to squash shit and not turn on each other etc etc. We don't make babies so we don't have the same hormonal ups and downs etc.

Of course some men would still benefit from it but I think most would just find it a waste. Medicine in the west just covers up problems as well. We want actual solutions. Exercise and healthy sleep/food is the best medicine until you absolutely need medicine for something flat out broken like an over active thyroid, diabetes. Broken arm etc.

but in many cases women, including feminist women, are the "toxic masculinity and the remnants of patriarchy"

they dont work

Not him but plenty of people live with family in this economy and less work burden could be exactly why he knows so much. Logic would say its simple life experience though and your attack on his character is just some tandem distraction from the point at hand that women tend to use when they want to win a losing argument and *feel* like they won through delusion.

That's just cope. If you're in any way intelligent you'd have a proper degree and a good job.

Therapy : "you have the power to change your life, you are capable and strong human bean".
Complain some more.
The end.

Why do people pay for that?

Lol so true. Lesbians and blacks are like historians reenacting 10-20 years ago when more men were unaccountable as a product of post war, new drug era, pre technology and easy times.

Yeah you take schizo meds judging from how detached from reality your opinion is