/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General

Nigger Faggot Edition

Previously: Related:
/h/ /sdhb/: /vg/ /aids/: /mlp/ /ppp/: Training/fine tuning takes a lot of computing resources and I believe it would be better if we all shared our computing power to make it faster. If anyone knows or can create a program to share these resources, let us know. I know there are big limitations such as bandwidth or even size, but at least I would be willing to leave my computer on 24/7 if its for training.

>Recent News:
Official updated weights have been released!: twitter.com/EMostaque/status/1561777122082824192 (embed) (embed)

Emad announces plans for custom model training: twitter.com/EMostaque/status/1561780596107612161?t=HOAF1LBb09e1EMgZo9ROKA&s=19 (embed) (embed)

Google user trains Stable Diffusion on Danbooru: >Stable diffusion Official discord:

>Starter guides:
rentry.org/retardsguide - Main txt2img guide
rentry.org/kretard - K-Diffusion guide
rentry.org/img2img - img2img guide
rentry.org/tqizb - amd guide

v1.4 link

>Colab with new model

Website with new weight for free


Attached: 3.jpg (533x800, 85.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


is AI generated CP legal or not?

Attached: 1624447369382.jpg (1280x720, 43.28K)

First for America.

Attached: 00065-2824948814_God_Bless_America.png (576x768, 680.12K)

best prompts for hentai? both nude pinups and actual sex

btw you can have issues creating the environment if src folder is not empty before you run create
it might appear to be working but if you watch task manager you'll see the processes eventually go to no activity and be stuck on installing pip packages forever
i assume it's an issue with git where it doesn't want to pull the repo to a folder that already exists/has content

Does anyone have gradio working with CPU-only? It seems like an interesting thing to try on my laptop

also wondering, music for requesting


Following the kretard guide again for k-diffusion+gfpgan, conda's been "installing pip dependencies" for the last 25 minutes. I've got 100+mpbs internet, should it be taking this long? Certainly didn't the last time I followed the guide.

Buddy I would be lost without you. I even read that somewhere and completely forgot about it.

img2img so good
pic related is me soon, time for bed i think

Attached: 00009-2305491157_Man_sleeping_in_bed_with_cat_lying_next_to_him,_big_window_behind_the_bed,_stars_in_sky,_Pixiv,_Greg_Rutkowski,_ArtStation,_Oil_.png (512x512, 293.79K)

init image
missed the cat but still good

Attached: sleepe.png (512x512, 8.89K)

Oh yeah, since I switched to the Gradio version, my shit wont generate unless I bring the console into the foreground, even on a different desktop.

any way to fix this? or just deal.

Has anyone managed to make decent pixel art?

This is too good, it feels unreal. I need a man dubbing on an artist to visualize my feelings.

Attached: a Hieronymus Bosch creature merging a monkey with a young man, portrait photograph by Annie Leibovitz .png (512x512, 454.6K)

just use dezgo.com it's the latest model and you don't need hardware because it's on a website, just get the adblocker plugin that you should already have installed

dall-e 2 seems to be much better suited for pixel art in my experience

If I'm packaging this entire fuckin thing into an executable, where is an appropriate place to download the models?

I think I'm going to put it in "the current working directory"

Its literally in all caps and bold in the guide my dude

fuck that, I have a 3090 lol

Attached: 1595881476106.jpg (900x770, 58.98K)


Attached: 0.png (913x556, 400.42K)

Down there in the notes and tips section is it

fuck you too five eyes gangstalker nigger

>Gradio version
which one?
why? docker or make a one shot install script for everything

I was hoping there was some secret prompt that would me give better results. Shame.

Attached: a Hieronymus Bosch creature merging a monkey with a young man, portrait photograph by Annie Leibovitz (1).png (512x512, 453.71K)

Anybody have inpainting working?

docker is not conducive to development, not to mention users will tell you "what am I docking into?"
install scripts are not reliable, especially on different OSes


this one,1.4 model, win 10

i can't stop making waifus

Attached: download (2).png (512x512, 334.15K)

also docker images that work with GPUs are a bitch

dezgo works with TOR if you know what i mean, and with amazing results

Attached: 1652514067026.jpg (341x430, 57.96K)

If I were having issues I'd read through it first

Roasties aren't waifus

I challenge you to get SD (or any AI) to generate a bow and arrow, fully in frame.

I don't know why but a bow and arrow (or even a bow alone) is AI's fucking cryptonite. No matter what I try, how much I fuck with the prompt, bows aren't happening.

Cringe. Also you have JavaScript enabled so your unique device identifiers are fully visible to the site owner retard

Retard noscript comes prepackaged with TOR

yes they are.

Attached: download (6).png (512x512, 366.8K)

>predditors using my frog generator on my basket weaving forum to produce illegal material
absolutely disgusting

Attached: frog13.png (640x576, 455.55K)

users will just say they don't trust a huge exe, it would be fucking huge, conda env is over 6gb, repo + weights another 5gb+
idk, try a different k_gradio script

>a docker image is not a huge exe


>Using a glowy "website" when you can do it at home.

Attached: 1655763511280.jpg (640x720, 152.43K)


At one point I wanted to be a drawfag but I spent time playing video games instead.

Bullet fucking dodged.

Attached: 1597791349484.jpg (1280x720, 54.52K)


The site is JS based

beating a dead horse

I keep getting DefaultCPUAllocator: not enough memory errors no matter which options I try. Any advice?

Is this a normal speed for img2img on an RTX 3090?

Attached: speed.png (968x931, 50.75K)

>trying to get the AI to generate cum on a girl's face
>realize that it's much easier to generate the girl first and shop the cum on later
i have ascended.

>man dabbing on an artist
either my mspaint stick figure was bad or it just doesn't know what dabbing is, and i had to join two images together, but here you go

Attached: file.png (512x512, 272.1K)