If your programming language doesn’t have polymorphism, type operators and dependent types, then it’s a shitlang

If your programming language doesn’t have polymorphism, type operators and dependent types, then it’s a shitlang

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zig has all of these

what type of polymorphism? that term on its own doesnt mean shit

> If your programming language doesn’t have bloat, bloat and bloat then it’s a shitlang
ok rajesh

Common Lisp has all of these and more.

So basically anything other than C is bloated

What about parametric types? It's not the same as Generics.

>polymorphism, type operators and dependent types
Can someone spoonfeed me on what each of these is in one sentence each?

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Polymorphism: dispatch to implementation based on type
Type operator, not sure but I guess a way to programmatically manipulate the representation of types, usually in some relational algebra sense (union, intersection, join, etc)
Dependent types: the type depends on a value, think like age (legal adult), size (fatties are a different type) and more. In relational algebra terms, this is your WHERE clause

based lambda cube chad

Start with simply typed lambda calculus. There, you can have functions which take a value and return a value.
Polymorphism: functions can take a type and return a value
Type operators: type-level functions can take a type and return another type
Dependent types: type-level functions can take a value and return a type

There are several different ways to use polymorphism, but it breaks down to being able to call on something depending on its type. Maybe you want to call on a method on an object depending on what the object is. You can also use subtyping (a Dog is also an Animal). There's also parametric polymorphism.

Polymorphism: Values dependent on types
Type operators: Types dependent on types
Dependent Types : Types dependent on values

forth and some lisps are fine too.

Assembly doesn't have types and neither should your language.

Assembly isn’t a good language for describing computer programs
Forth and Lisp are both less bloated than C

x86_64 assembly has floats, 64-bit integers, 32-bit integers, 16-bit integers, 8-bit integers, constants and adresses.


Anything that strays from the purity of assembly on bare metal should be considered undesirable.

So what have you created with your awesome language? 24 variations of hello world?

Attached: hierarchy of g.png (800x1280, 226.75K)

Accurate, but your memes are brainlet tier.

OP is too busy memeing that he didn't even consider the fact that a language with dependent types is essentially the definition of a proof assistant.
If you think all languages should double as a proof assistant, then you are retarded.
t. I use formal methods every day.

>Forth and Lisp are both less bloated than C
definitely c has bloated syintax

>registers are types

>chooses the most retarded platform android.
If you put IOS i wouldn't say anything even though its coorporate spyware but Android wtf.No person on the planet who ever developed something other than Android likes android development.