Why is it that conservatives call liberals groomers when it's they themselves who fiddle kids?

Why is it that conservatives call liberals groomers when it's they themselves who fiddle kids?

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Conservative =/= catholic church

This this this so fucking much. I'm atheist or something and i'm stauchly rightist on everything besides religion because i don't care if nobody is harassing me

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Everyone is trying to legalize child fucking. Liberals are more open and honest about it. While the right is using religion as a cover.

You have no idea what you are talking about, girl

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Liberals want to enter your daycares, schools, and libraries to expose children to alternative sexualities and tell them it is ok to be sexual even as a child. Conservatives know child molestation is wrong and hide it like normal pedophiles.

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Its just typical hipocracy in politics.

Your question is the equivalent of :
Why do liberals say my body my choice in regards to murdering their own children (abortion)?

But they dont say my body my choice when it comes to what medical injections to take ?

How come Liberals care so much about school shootings where children die , but liberals dont care anything about aborting tens of thousands of children every year ? -Or Biden bombing kids in the middle east or africa ?

ETC etc.. .Fact of the matter is, its just politics. You project your own evil on the other side.
With that said, with the exception of "catholics" (pedophile World Economic Forum cult) - you tend to not see pedophelia be a normalized cultural movement on the right.

Would you agree with that , mr.Leftoid ?

Because I havent seen any righties going around saying "we need to start normalizing pedophelia, or MAPS".

No.... Thats only the left doing that....

So instead of projecting, how about you straighten that disguisting, evil shit out ? Of course you fucking leftoid degenerates wont do that. Because you ARE pedophiles. And you want Pedophelia to be normalized. In 10 years time you'll be calling people "pedo-phobes", etc etc.. Its always the same with you people. Vaush is a pedophile too, just look at what he said about f-ing kids.

TL;DR , Leftoids, if you really care about Pedophelia - straighten that shit out on your side. It isnt worth bringing it up with the right.
(but since Plebbit banned the word Groomer I think it pretty much confirms what my post is saying, leftoids love pedophelia)

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both are, whats with this left/right shit?

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...Don't pastors and priests have the same propensity for child abuse than the general population? Obviously child abuse is always bad no matter who does it but redditors really, really, really like to cherrypick.

Yeah, the only thing that made the joke popular was the catholic church trying so hard to hide its offending priests and refusing to come forward with he info all to save face.
Much like the left of today.

I ignor politics because it's only use is to make all you retarded sheeple argue with each other while I laugh at you.

>fiddle kids?
Violin urchins?

Why do liberals want to abolish the death penalty and talk to students about all kinds of degenerate sex in the classrooms?

>one of my students (female) wears hoodies and other male clothes and acts mannish and is loud and so may be trans
i thought the point of gender being a construct was that anyone can wear men's clothes as men clothes being for 'men' is the construct, but now a woman wearing men's clothes means she must actually be a man? why not just a woman wearing men's clothes?

Ok groomer.

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