Ask a black introvert anything

ask a black introvert anything

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Why are you still alive?

cause i haven't had any health scares recently

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> Beware of Anti-White PsyOp (psychological operations) agents/posters shilling a false narrative (usually posting something that denigrates or intends to cause harm to Whites).

> These people will post threads and may also pretend to interact within a thread, again in a manner to cause harm to Whites.

> Popular topics include: BBC, White Replacement, White Genocide, BNWO, Interbreeding, Insults, Demoralization, Trying to cause division among Whites, Trying to confuse Whites.

> Learn about what’s really going on.

Necessary nigger information [massive amount of useful info]
Niggers without camouflage [rare glimpse at reality]

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kill yourself

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Do black introverts have any chance at landing GFs without "thuggmaxxing"?

t. Fellow black introvert

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Do you have any plans for the future? Or do you just post on /b all day?

would you date a lonely tranny?

i have been feeling tempted to make a text based game lately, but idk if i'll actually go through with it
i'm still single, but definitely if you broaden your horizons.
maybe if they're also introverted.

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>maybe if they're also introverted.
even if they're like an oldfag Any Forums addict kind of introvert?

depends on which boards thet browse.

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>Any Forums
>Any Forums
>Any Forums
kind of basic I'll go lurk /x/ or Any Forums or /soc/ or whatever sometimes but I don't really leave my comfy spaces

guess those are ok boards.

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Why does my mom not love me?

idk, people can be like that sometimes.

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Thank you for your wisdom, bearer of great melanin.
I shall tell her to be like other times instead.

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