I'm done. Pushed over the edge. Gonna end it but I want it to seem like I went missing...

I'm done. Pushed over the edge. Gonna end it but I want it to seem like I went missing. I want to go somewhere where I'll never be found - just forgotten. Where do I go and how do I do this? Maybe some kind of national park? Or maybe I drown while renting a boat for a trip in the ocean?

Attached: LIFE_IS_PAIN_I_H-.jpg (675x580, 127.55K)

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I'm trying to bring 0 attention to myself

That just sounds stupid. You giving up this easly? Really, no more fight left in you? Get yourself together.

What a fucking bitch lol. Put on your big boy pants and better yourself.

Well what's even the point? Who cares? I'll die anyways, might as well just speed up the process

Sometimes you don't need to step on the gas you just hit the breaks and enjoy the view.

He’s right, shit doesn’t get better

If you actually go through with this - I really admire you. I wish I had the courage to end this shit, but I'm a coward and I'll suffer forever because of it.

No point in enjoying the view when it's all shit. And for what? to distract myself? It's all momentary anyways

Most people find offing yourself to be a coward's way out so that's pretty funny

I'm hoping you get some help Any Forumsro

It's too late

Go jerk off.

If i was going to do it.....I would walk into a helicopter rotor

Yeah, perspective is everything. I never understood that line of thinking though. I don't think the main cause of suicide is people being scared to face their problems. More like they're in chronic suffering and such an existence doesn't make sense.

Maybe they were on to something. I never thought I'd end up with the same thoughts/plans but here I am. It seems better than constant suffering.

go camping in deep woods and do it

I like that idea. What about the actual method though? I don't want it to be obvious so maybe poison of some kind?

drugs or shotgun in the mouth I guess
bloodless too could work
bag on your head
strangle yourself
all sorts of options

Thanks for the suggestion then. I'll start doing research