How in the fuck?

How in the fuck?

Attached: IMG_2183.jpg (1170x1604, 718.68K)

> Find software that accepts untrusted input
> Find vulnerability based on this
> Rig input device to input a value that takes advantage of said vulnerability
UW is the worst for this shit.

That’s gotta be an issue with the DNA analyzing software being written poorly, like a website susceptible to sql injections.

so any Russian person's DNA?

wasnt this the plot of one episode of "Bones"? it was cheesy as fuck lmao

something about raping a woman and the kid being raised to do bad things... you fill in the blanks here

Stop programming in fucking C FFS.

Sounds like just bad software testing process. They probably didn't expect something like this to happen.

It's common knowledge that you can encode strands of DNA with data so this is just a normal vulnerability attack.

That just says it's theoretical possibility, not that anyone has actually done it or even produced a proof of concept. But yes it's possible for type of data input to theoretically exploit a bug in a parser or something. It's like that old XKCD joke about naming your kid to cause SQL injection in school database.


BONES did it already. and people laughed, in fact it was considered one of the worst hacking scenes in history.

Sure this is my Amazon Paramilitary AWS prod. "RUSA"

I am still scraping the old RH RU/RUSNET sectors of entigo

I used the same Scenario and equations to succesfully invade boko harem in Nigera, France, Germany, Britain, Los Angeles, Whistler BC, Israel, Damascus, Seattle, Tampa, etc...


plot, no. but it did happen in one
THey were 3d scanning human remains (bones) and the virus was carved out on the bones on nano-scale so only the scanner picked it up, some binary shit
based on real life obviously

>russians consist of pure malware confusing and upsetting biometric spyware
Based and vasyanpilled.

This, typical clickbait article
It's literally just "make ImageMagick shit itself with this specially crafted JPEG" but instead of ImageMagick it's DNA software, and instead of a JPEG it's a strand of DNA

basically, it can be modified to work on any scanner this is something.
but i dont see how they are gonna inject it to "biohackers" and let this specific almost microscopic segment to be readed

Which sounds better
>Our poorly written software crashed!

SQL injection but with DNA. A simple fix is to just program the sequencers to basically read DNA as is, without trying to interpret it as code.

exactly. Just hire more competent programmers to create safeguards against "DNA hijacks". I was hoping for something more interesting, like purposely making a DNA that causes cancer.

why Any Forums is browsed by retarded non-tech boomers? evven worse, why they makey more thread less takey meds?
