Half a byte is a nibble

>half a byte is a nibble
Did they think they were being funny?

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>half a brain is OP

Yes. Normies go away

but where do the nipples come in to play

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that's fucking hilarious

have hex

What's half a nibble?

a rub.

Am I retarded for not getting the joke sooner? I remember when I first learned what a nibble was I thought it was weird that it didnt have a name that started with b

a nibba



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>Did they think they were being funny?
It is funny.

bite into a sandwich.
9 times out of 10, you will see that there's 3 parabolic indentations between 4 teeth from top to bottom - both sets accounting the involvement of 8 teeth.
biting something is different from nibbling as the latter requires half the effort.

It all makes sense now


people in the past were far more creative and smarter than retards like OP. also, nibbles were used in packed decimal format for mainframes, because people knew how to code things then and couldnt physically tolerate bloat.

based lore

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munch > bite > nibble > niblet > tooth

Depends, most likely a two-bit piece.

I wonder what your parents would think when reading your incel post history


CS naming is jokes all the way down, especially in the Unix world. Even "Unix" was a pun, being a simplified "Multics".

Two bits.