I hate foids so much my hate for them makes me depressed

i hate foids so much my hate for them makes me depressed

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What are foids? Better yet, what the fuck are chuds?

Buzzwords for tards.

I hope she doesnt thing that gigantic buffalo butt is attractive to anyone but niggers.

What the fuck is a foid

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Cannabilistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers. Dont you ever into 80s movies?

Ahhhhh you got me! Someday I hope to touch an boob. You may pat yourself on the head now.

just say "retard" zoom-kun fr fr

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Confirmed homosexual

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She really does have a grossly oversized ass. Rather nauseating to watch. One could imagine the cottage cheese effect with each bloated cheek.

I need to put babies in her

sounds like a you problem OP maybe you are gay

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Gross, dude.

What’s it like having such a low sperm count and low testosterone? Assuming your dick is small too

Its funny watching you young bucks white knight for lard ass whores.

Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers
And they hate Daniel Stern

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Whatever you need to feel better about your low test pedophile tastes

Fat asses are de way. It's not our fault you're attracted to men's bodies.

Nauseating fat cows.

Tell me your dick is small without saying your dick is small

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Fuck that’s amazing

I read something about the ancient statues not emphasizing big dicks and fat asses was their way of saying the valued something more sublime than animal passions.
So maybe the modern obsession with those things means we are getting more animalistic.

I like fit girls. Not fat girls.

Whatever you need to feel better about your low standards

fuck yeah it is

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don't worry, incel! we hate you to, and we love the fact that you'll die a lonely, pathetic virgin

not OP but how do i talk to women and convince them i truly just want to be their friend and im not trying to get into their pants?