I AM FUCKING PISSED! My Dad bought dip, but didn't buy any chips. I called him and specifically told him to get both...

I AM FUCKING PISSED! My Dad bought dip, but didn't buy any chips. I called him and specifically told him to get both. I even texted him to make sure to get both. After I woke up, since he went to the grocery store after I fell asleep, I noticed there weren't any chips. He bought the dip, but we don't have any chips to use the dip with. I was planning on having this as part of my breakfast. I don't know why he does this. What is wrong with boomers?


Get a job and buy your own chips or something, dude. Stop acting like your dad committed a war crime or some shit.

He ate some of the dip before when we last had it with chips, but for some reason, he forgot to buy the chips. I called him to remind him what he needs to get at the grocery store, and even texted him, but he still forgot. How can you buy dip for chips but forget to buy the chips themselves?

You know how sometimes you walk into a room and forget why you're there? Or you forget to tell somebody something important? That's how. People make mistakes because our brains just work that way. Lay off of him. Just be happy he got dip for you in the first place and stop complaining.

> first world problems

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I’m currently camping with my dad and his gf and he went out to go grab a quick breakfast at Waffle House 2 hours ago.
I’m pretty sure they’re fucking and just fucking left me alone at this campsite.

I want my choccy chip wafle
I want my my orang jewse

I'm not going to be an asshole to my Dad. That's why I'm venting here. I still can't get how he could buy the dip but forget to buy the chips, even though I reminded him. He ate some of the dip last time, so I know he liked it.

Get off your fat zoomer ass and buy some chips you piece of shit

Probably early Dimensia or something leave him alone you colossal faggot

Look, dude, we get that you're venting. But we're also saying that you're being super entitled about what? Fucking chips? Of all the things in the world, you're having a mental breakdown online over chips? If you get angry over something that small to the point that you need to vent about it, you seriously need to reconsider your priorities. That's ridiculous.

Stay at home autistic son

> dumb enough to go camp alone with dad & gf
> now alone at camp
> doesn't wanna upset daddy

woooooow u are a raging faggot.

from a ts

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I thought it would be a a fun father son trip cause we haven’t seen each of ther a lot since I left for college and especially since the divorce 5 years ago.
I didn’t know his new bitch would be here
I’ve spent all day biking trails and sitting on the beach by my self.

I fucking hate it here

I want my choccy wafles and my orang milk.

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My morning is less than ideal bro, but I'm here lurking instead of bitching about my empty coffee pot

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Dip and chips for breakfast? What the fuck is wrong with you?

fucking captchas aren’t filtering out the retards. dads retarded for not automatically buying chips. but I suspect you are too. Stop fucking crying and do it yourself. when you ask someone to do something always expect they MIGHT do it. how old are you by the way?
your dads a faggot who picked pussy over his own son. either cut contact or dress like a sissy in disguise. get him to fall in love with you and then tease him till the day he dies

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Nah, I called out OP for being an ungrateful little shit, but chips and dip for breakfast isn't that far-fetched. People eat pizza for breakfast.

Dip and chips would be one of the things I eat for breakfast.

They are frends it is cute
I no longer desire waffles and a responsible father figure

It’s cute animal fremds time

Picture blurry cause he ran away

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food > cereal & wateva other sugary shit some ppl eat.

You should drink some bleach to teach him a lesson

> lol

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