Hey, I'm Qanon! Ask Me Anything

Hey, I'm Qanon! Ask Me Anything.

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what even are you, what is your goals and why do you larp like a faggot

can you prove you're q

nobody cares

Why did you try to kiss him?

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> (OP) (You)
>what even are you, what is your goals and why do you larp like a fa**ot
larp: a type of interactive role-playing game in which the participants portray characters through physical action, often in costume and with props.

Silly, if was lapping it would mean I was just pretending to be Q, however I am Q.

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They do it on B, this board, all the time.

Do you like mac and cheese?

Why did you kill George Floyd, Q?

Attached: QFloyd.png (764x831, 1.47M)

That's a(n) (un)common misconception.

Sounds like something QAnon would say!

Attached: Q Floyd.jpg (256x256, 16.34K)

Seems like high-dimensional thinking, if you'd ask me.

How much right-wing clussy you get now?

> (OP) (You)
>How much right-wing clussy you get now?
cl_ + pussy - _ ?

Have you been living under a rock?

You know...

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No, I have friends that take up my time.

Does it hurt to think?

