For all you Pro-Life, Anti-Abortion or Forced Birthers who wanted abortion banned...

For all you Pro-Life, Anti-Abortion or Forced Birthers who wanted abortion banned. How have your lives improved or those around you now that in most states abortions is heavily restricted or outright banned?

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Fake and gay. youre the same shill posting all the other libshit bait threads. Kys

Only downside to this ia that more niggers will be born. Planned Parenthood was founded for killing blacks and only blacks. It was never meant to kill whites.

Only downside to this is that more niggers will be born. Planned Parenthood was founded for killing blacks and only blacks. It was never meant to kill whites.

Pretty good watching promiscuous people having to be held accountable for their actions, or at the very least are inconvenienced and having to go to other states to do evil. Shit now that I think about it I'm doing fantastic!

>Planned Parenthood was founded for killing blacks and only blacks.
Why you think Democrats are so pissed about RoeWade? They WANT to kill niggers so they don't get overrun with them in their cities.

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You obviously haven't seen a vagina in a long time, so you don't have to worry about this subject.

Having a problem with people being "promiscuous" sounds like something an incel virgin would be worried about. It's the same as being worried about anything anyone else is having fun experiencing.

Incels are ruining the world.

Have sex.

>Incels are ruining the world.

Incels are merely a result of a world out of order. And I don't see why people being held to account is a bad thing?

If anything women being more careful about their sexual partners is a good thing and men who aren't worth a damn don't contaminate the future generations. Society would be better as a whole if everyone didn't act like children and run away from problems that are usually self inflicted

god blesses them with more drought and record heat

Maaaaaaan dem lil niggas aint dun nuffin why wypipo tryna be killing dem niggas man. Shiiiit, I got lil nigga rugrats everywhere man, dey gon be kingz and shit

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burn cali burn

I get a voice on whether or not to kill babies. From this point on, only those who want to kill children will be judged for it.

We are no longer part of your sin.

Bro you could’ve just said you’re an incel and we would’ve understood your position immediately

Nothing wrong with fucking people who aren't worth a damn if there's no consequence to that action. You incels are getting way out of control. You're completely delusional. Let people fuck. Who cares?

"Ohhh ohh noo my wee wee hasn't felt the inside of a wet skin hole and made a woman go owwie." It's not that big of a deal chill out and let them fuck.

Pro life is a lie! You don't care if niggers die!

I'm just glad that we can force the government to stop funding things we don't like.

Cant fucking WAIT to destroy the entire military industry because my fee-fees actually get to dictate policy.

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>if there's no consequence to that action.

It appears you have missed the crux of the argument

It’s a political agenda to garner votes. “They” don’t care.

>how have our lives changed

They'll change for the worse. Now even more people will hate us, but it was never about improving our own lives. It was about giving some children an actual chance at life.

Imagine that. Making a choice to imrove the lives of others, without thinking of yourself. Oh wait. You can't. You're a leftist.

Its about doing what is right. I'm anti murder. That is all the justification i need to take the "right" to murder away from whores.

The only fuck you give about children is fucking children. We're talking about fetuses though. However you showed your no sex having incel ass at the end by calling people whores just for having sex. Who gives a shit? What a dumb position to be in lol.

"i don't like having a lot of sex hurr hurr hurr."

Lmao you people crack me up.

You sound mad.