Rust is the other modern language that everybody talks about

>Rust is the other modern language that everybody talks about
>I'm not fit to pass judgement on
>I've done a little bit beyond "hello world"
>I wrote some video decompression work in Rust

How the fuck is video decompression work "just a little bit beyond hello world"? Meanwhile everyone on this board can't even figure out how to find odd numbers without npm install. The internet was a mistake.

Attached: Carmack_Interview_Lex_Fridman_Podcast-375x234-1643580125.jpg (375x234, 8.28K)

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it's fucking john carmack. that's considered "a little bit beyond 'hello world'" for his standards

>outing yourself as a retard
good job op


I have never willingly touched npm and when I absolutely have to I wash my hands afterwards

Video decompression is likely a relatively statically specified task. You don't have to worry too much about changing plans while developing the code. Most non-trivial projects are not like that

if you know how to write a video decoder then it isn't a big project I'm pretty sure

He's a modest wizard.

how do I gain even a fraction of his powers

You're born with it or you don't have it. If he was born a zoomie he wouldn't be on a chan, he'd have submitted legendary code onto GitHub and be employed already.

That's retarded
All you have to do to be good at programming is program a lot

>Meanwhile everyone on this board can't even figure out how to find odd numbers without npm install.
Pretty sure no one on Any Forums actually uses is-odd

Attached: haha-agamemnon.gif (400x206, 2.82M)

You certainly don't know what makes a good programmer so you shouldn't laugh at people telling you what it takes

You're not a good programmer.

A good programmer is more than mere "talent" or "practice". It's about a search for Tao

You don't believe me, do you? Then read the scriptures:

Probably a humble brag. But then again, if you wrote low level code for decades maybe it is trivial

It’s light work because he is already intametaly familiar with video decompression, and he is one of the most experienced people in the world at optimizing C like code.

you are wasting your time fren, these people don't care about programmings or anything to do with computers, they care about your distro, which keyboard/mouse/browser you use,how many screens you got, which old programming language you mastered ( its lisp or c/++ that they want to hear )and have you spent large amount of time and money decorating your room for those sweet upcummies from the battlestation subreddit(/bst/).

Hard to reflect the tone in the text, but if you listen to the podcast he wasn't humble bragging he was tip toeing around bashing on Rust