Fortran is the oldest and most matured programming language still used today. Why don't you code in fortran?

Fortran is the oldest and most matured programming language still used today. Why don't you code in fortran?

Attached: Makise_Kurisu_Modern_Fortran_Explained.png (1500x1781, 1.28M)

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legacy garbage

More like Fortroon lmao

Attached: 1660408206104306.gif (220x220, 977.56K)

but fr it's for le olfags of academia

I'll trade you

Attached: Book Kurisu.png (1024x1216, 651.07K)

Never anything new in F77 which wasn't better implemented as a lambda expression in R (LAPACK and OpenBLAS are all F77 and C anyway.)

Fortran more like Forkino

Attached: 1661177020514618.jpg (350x490, 18.45K)

I program in prolog

Dear Glowfaggots: Please extract Ukranian programmer (vmap)

Could you please extract the C/C++ programmer from ukraine who contributed the vmap format code to CS:GO. Could you sponsor him into the USA using your defense contacts, please?

The vector code / matrix programming used in these 3d applications is applicable to weapon systems.

I don't want him to get clipped being a grunt in some offensive. That's a waste of a C and C++ vector programmer: of which there are few.
>What are we even talking about here?
>t. Faggot reversing source 2 vmap format and adding it to the CS:GO branch of the source engine and adding other formats.

QuakeC and C here.


Fortran is for scientific coding that hasn't moved onto to move advanced hardware yet.

That is literally its only use.

numpy is partially wirtten in fortran

I would count that under what I said.

Maybe I just didn't understand what does
>hasn't moved onto to move andvanced hardware

started using gpus, accelerators, vectorizing.

GPU implementation or FPGA pipeline

Fortan predates troons, as we all know they were invented within the last 10 years by the liberal media.

>last 10 years
In that case most programming languages predate them. Even rust.

Fortran does all that though.

>Why don't you code in fortran?
Because it's fucking miserable to do string processing or network coding in it, and that's what my code needs to do.