I just don't get why I should use it

Maybe I'm just too dumb but I've been learning it for a month now and I fail to see the hype or how it drastically improve things.
Can someone explain brainlet the hype?

Attached: Docker_Temporary_Image_Google_Blue_1080x1080_v1.png (1080x1080, 8.64K)

it's useful for microservices, like if you have something like a video encoder that you run several times a month, its probably cheaper to run that in a container than in a VM because of the startup time difference and the larger cloud providers usually have per-second compute billing. But if you want something always-on then the VM is probably cheaper over a month. People do use them for always-on stuff though, but they're typically for microservices

Git clone repo with front end, back end, db, dev environment and test environment.

Docker compose up -d and everything is up with health checks and logs already set up.

If you manage to run your application inside a container, it's guaranteed it'll run anywhere, you can push it to any host provider you want without making any changes to it. Get it? It's easy to deploy. You want another instance of your application in south America? It'll take 600ms to deploy

Not this guy, but it also scales up. So if you have a stateless application with a bunch of async functions you can set it on gcp to scale up as there are more customers so on peak hours you can get more compute while on non peak hours you will still have a functioning app without paying as much.

I work with Azure a lot. You can easily and automatically scale up Virtual Machines with user defined rule sets - e.g. average CPU usage across deployed VMs above 70%, deploy 2 additional VMs.
I guess it's easier to deploy and maintain containers than VMs.

Yep, easier to get security patches. Faster boot times, shared kernel so less resources. (Each Vm also runs with its own kernel). It's at the end left for you to decide. You can also go for kubernetes if your company has a bunch of apps and get a cheaper price rather than a paas.

I personally use it to host services for myself, on my computer
At least since I'm too broke to afford a real server

If you have a server that has to run multiple different services and you don't wamt to run VMs, it brings you isolation, convenience of independence from host distro, documentation that writes itself (if you use docker-compose), easy multiple instances of stuff.
You don't need a real server, or any separate machine to be a home server owner user.

If you have a piece of software with complicated or annoying dependencies- maybe it needs a specific version of Node, or expects a specific version of some Python package to be globally installed and they've never heard of virtualenv, or it needs to shell out to a recent version of ffmpeg- it's very handy if you can skip that headache and just have a Docker container with everything ready to go.

it's like static linking but without the linuxnigger build script aids

Honestly if you're still wondering in 2022, you might wait long enough to wait out the container craze.

The world will be moving onto containerized systemd and firecracker vms soon enough.

WORA for the 2020s, basically. I have to admit, it's handy for adding functionality to my OpenMediaVault NAS, like Pi-Hole, bittorrent client, etc.

You can install adguard and then use it (on your own pc).

i think it's for people who hate efficiency and love pushing things to cloud.

Except not at all and somehow with even more build script aids

So it's a nix shell but worse?

set me up 2 postgresql databases (13 and 14), a load balancer, 4 nodejs apis, and 2 react frontends all on the same machine
let me know how it goes
also make sure i can do rolling deployments of the apis and frontends with no downtime and that they'll come back up if they crash
this is the kind of shit containers make easy, mostly with k8s

Started using this in my project, in the beginning of the year, with helm, kustomize and terraform
Dude, you have no idea how easy my life turned.
>Gotta deploy all my apps in a new environment?
>hold my beer, it's just 5 minutes

Attached: kubernetes-horizontal-color.png (1727x373, 31.41K)

How do I use docker to share my network with three more devices?

Attached: 1640943480140.jpg (3669x2965, 1.16M)

For the purpose of just running a piece of software, yes.

Why not use iptables to allow masquerade on output device and set Ipv4 forwarding in kernel?

You should not
Docker is deprecated, run k8s or podman

>needing k8s or podman
baka not everything needs to be production level mate

>I just don't get why I should use it
do you say the same thing about tampons? you don't use shit just because, you retard.
you either have the problem that docker solves or you don't.
if you have to ask yourself why you would use docker you shouldn't.
dumb neets.

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