How did he catch covid when he is quadruple vaxxed? Lmao

How did he catch covid when he is quadruple vaxxed? Lmao

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Poor guy has cancer. Cmon man!

This could be it for "the big guy"

>highly Classified
It was from someone who crossed the southern boarder illegal.

Vaccinations have never claimed to block the virus, but instead greatly decrease the severity of symptoms. But, don't let facts like that get in the way of your self-delusional narrative.

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obviously it's a psyop to get people excited for covid again, he's going to go down in history like FDR and his polio


He aint sick THEY are just saying he is sick to precure sympathy

at this point they have lied so much I dont belive anything they say

Lmfao yes they have. They have just been changing the narrative every few months.

HARD MODE: he was scheduled to be vaxxed again today but missed it :(


>has cancer
>should we say he has monkeypox?
>ah right, he is pedo, not gay
>uhhh lets see...
>hey i know, let's say he has covid
Handlers are working overtime and are affected by the heat, I guess

The vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting covid, it keeps you from spreading it when you don't have it.

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Ok zoomer

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Good, fuck him

Imagine going from 90 percent effectiveness to "it reduces symptoms" in just one year.

And then imagine going from "it reduces symptoms, it never was supposed to stop the virus" in just a couple months after that.

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I know that anecdotes are meaningless in medicine, but I had covid twice, several years apart, both before and after being vaccinated.

First covid in 2020: Before vaccinations were released. Was really shitty, felt terrible for about a week.

Had covid again last week, triple vaxxed: Was very mild. Felt more like a regular cold. I think this is from the vaccines rather than prior infection just based on the length between infections and timeline of vaccinations.

Doesn't apply to everyone.

One senior citizen was vaxed and only has mild symptoms. Another senior citizen wasn't vaxed and was laying in a bed for days being pumped with everything including probably horse semen, while still fighting for each breath even after that. I'd tell you why one isn't like the other but I'm gonna let you figure this one out kiddo

>Sample size = 2

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