Underrated games thread

Underrated games thread

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Eh, it's a good game, but not a good Silent Hill game.

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Can't imagine wasting my time playing videogames as an adult.

Why not? Got other hobbies?

Both of these are shit
Don't even know wtf this shit is lmao

Star Ocean 2

you waste your time here, it's not that different

Gardening, going for walks and trying new foods. Sitting in a chair doing nothing feels awful and unproductive.

Yet you're here, the most immature place you could browse.

I'm here for around ten minutes a day. Mostly when I'm getting ready to go to sleep.

I took up gym, still crave the screen time. Shit needs to change.

What ou do when you rest at home? Read?

Nooo mom, I'm a big boy now, we don't watch spongebob anymore

I gave up on video games as well, not because I'm a grown adult, but because games sucks nowadays.
So many tutorials, holding hands, spoon feeding, autosaves and micro transactions.

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Games took a nosedive in quality when femoids decided they wanted to play them. Femoids literally ruin everything

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been debating picking this up, noted

I take a nap after work. Then cook dinner, eat, lift weights and go to bed. Sometimes I read an old science fiction book. Like The Night Land, The Island of Dr Moreau or Day of the Triffids.

Objectively the best killzone game and one of the bests in vita, the online is dead tho

Can't imagine wasting my time reading fiction as an adult.

I don't know about underrated, but I'm going to dump some one of my absolute faves.

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No wonder Americans are illiterate.

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This one's are not underrated

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I wish they'd remake these but in that twin stick shooter fashion bullshit. Keep it original.

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Loved playing this one

This came with my PS3 back in 2007, played it for like 5 minutes and chucked it to the side.

You know the meaning of underrated?

Nice soundtrack on this

I meant to say "not in that twinstick fashion"