Mass shooters of the past 2 months

Mass shooters of the past 2 months.
Why are white people so violent?

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white people are faggot pedophiles. they should all be skinned alive

But you're white too

Name the band

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The Killers

i wish i was dead

Blacks kill wAyyy more lol

White people are disproportionately impacted by schoolshooterism, a malady brought about by systemic niggerism. Blood is solely on the lightly pigmented palms of niggers, studies show.

responding to systemic oppression

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Salvador look like a bitch

You may want to double check average violent tendencies by race, bucko.

Also, spend 20 years telling white men they're evil, set up a ton of formal obstacles in the name of diversity, shame them for being men and white, blame them for everything wrong, demoralize them, give them nothing to lose, a d then wonder why some snap. Brilliant.

they all look like mutts. mixed races. none look white except maybe Sapirman but I think he is a Jew.

4 Non Blondes

4 non whites

yeah buddy that's kind of the joke of the original band haha

>salvador ramos
Stretchin that one, aren't you OP

>Mass shooters of the past 2 months.
>Why are zoomers so violent?
Agreed, let's hang them all.

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1st guy was a fat virgin with zero chicks ever
2nd guy was a mexican tranny with nobody to scissor
3rd guy soundcloud faggot sadboy rapper with no hoes
4th guy scrawny beta male who posted dick pics @ guys on other chan boards

The pattern here isn't white, it's that these guys are all cringey virgins. I get that a lot of you here are also virgins, but pat yourselves on the back for being able to shoulder that burden better than these faggots.

they all needed to take the tr00n pill

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how many dead spooks in Chicago during the same time frame? - Why are black people so violent?

>Salvador Ramos

Yikes. Retard alert

They all look like fucking mutts.

Also, this is what literal years of being told they're shit and getting rejected does to a motherfucker.

Stop giving incels and other social dregs so much shit for a change.

Take all these chronic masturbators and put them into a big cage, unarmed and naked. Tell the the last one standing can walk out. When there's only one left, blast him with two barrels in the face.

Put all that on PPV and give the money to the victim families.

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The Highland Park always makes me laugh. Happy chipmunk man


You stupid fucks created those monsters and won't be held accountable for them.

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Was busy this week. Had to look up sapirman. No wonder it wasn't shouted from the sky. Another jew shooter. Doesn't even "mass shoot" to an extent sufficient to pass an average weekend in the ghetto. Bad guy with gun stopped by good guy with gun. Poor glowies, that's 5 now that haven't fit the narrative (OP conveniently left out the black guy). No wonder they're doing a full court press to find and convince a fitting glowstooge for the august mass shooting

That'd be awesome. My bets would be on the first dude at the MGM Grand. He looks pissed off

>1 mystery meat
>1 latinx
>2 jews