When was the first time in your life you saw HD video?

When was the first time in your life you saw HD video?

Here's an HD demonstration video from 1990. I didn't even know they had HD back then.


Attached: Sony HD Demo.png (1074x591, 742.96K)

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i dont know, but i certainly didnt watch it on a HD screen

Disregarding film, Downloading a raw HDTV stream of 2001: A Space Odyssey from Usenet around 2006 or so

Sam's club had an $7000 8K 85" television on display, and I thought I could grab the food off the screen like they did in Willy Wonka.

What year?

Almost every week, since mouth breathing scene groups still seem to think that 1080x520 is "fullhd 1080p"

Attached: unknown-182.png (960x960, 1.64M)

>I didn't even know they had HD back then.
35mm film is higher than 4k resolution, and they had it as early as 1890s
medium format used by ansel adams is way higher than 4k

1989 in Japan.

>When was the first time in your life you saw HD video?

A movie theater. 35mm is pretty close to 1080p in ideal conditions

>I didn't even know they had HD back then

another day, another zoomer who has no idea what film is or was capable of.

>35mm is pretty close to 1080p in ideal conditions

35mm is closer to 5k my man.

>35mm is pretty close to 1080p in ideal conditions

really hoping this is bait.

Kinda sounds like cope. Show me 2 pre-1970 videos that actually look like HD. I'll wait.


Attached: 1661146102905.jpg (951x701, 152.67K)


Around 2001, I only had one of those 768p plasmas though. It'd be several more years until I got a 1080p set.

is it wrong that you can notice a camel toe in the beginning and when she walks up to the camera, for about two seconds you can see her tits before they cut it out?

>Show me 2 pre-1970 videos that actually look like HD. I'll wait.

You can find endless 1080/4K remasters of films from pre-70s. All they had to do was rescan the negative and not scale it down.

Maybe if you weren't such a marvel watching zoomer nigger you'd know this.

She's cuter without the makeup.

That bit where it transitions to the lizards, started to get mad Mortal Kombat film vibes for some reason.
Was seriously expecting the song to start playing.

>footage from 1990 looks better than modern television and movies
>this would have looked even better on a screen that could display real blacks
we fucked up so badly

This will always be the holy grail of old HD videos.