Pretty cool, but why?

Pretty cool, but why?

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Metaprogramming on steroids

Because it's cool.

Ok, great. But WHEN do we require a nameless function?

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I can't remember the exact uses, but you can use lambda as a sort key on Python. It's pretty convenient sometimes

it doesn't have to be nameless you can assign it to a variable
sorted() has a key parameter that takes an anonymous function and there are many other use cases after you finish your first year of programming I can show you

have you ever used a higher order function? or a callback function that's executed at the end of some other function? instead of defining a specialized function with a name which you'll never use again, just write it exactly where you need it without a name

If you can't instantly name like 10 uses of this you are not a fucking programmer. holy fuck this is one embarrassing thread, fucking day care.

If I’m using it once, why do I need a function in the first place, nameless or otherwise?

Who the fuck said I was a programmer you fucking retard? I am asking THE real questions and you bash them like a jew bashes any criticism of the holohoax narrative.

This isn't even a question in Lisp. Go find yourself a non-blub language and use that instead.

you can refer variables from the context where the lambda was defined

[1,2,3].map((input) => input * 2) ----> [2,4,6]

because functions are extremely useful for encapsulating functionality, even inside of other functions

>poltard is a retard

Writing Python code is a political statement.
polchomos BTFO

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in this example the lamba is named, but it doesn't have to be.

so that you don't have to name it, and thus use it in-line
your pic nullifies the one thing that lambdas are useful for

Function parameters (callbacks, predicates, body for mapping or just when you need an action/behavior as a parameter) and local variables storing private jumbled five liners never to be used again behind a meaningful name.

+ you can make an associative container for a key/behavior and write a function which goes through this container calling the stored function for a key + whatever you passed to the iterating function.
I dunno bros not an expert in this stuff.


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