Now that the LISPtard NEET troon edition is outdated and we have an edition with sane syntax, is it worth reading

Now that the LISPtard NEET troon edition is outdated and we have an edition with sane syntax, is it worth reading

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Thoughts on the recent Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs drama this week?

If you respond under this line you like gay sex

>he doesn't know

what happened?

I have the JavaScript edition. it's great!

straight male responses may resume below

>sane syntax

After the recent SICP drama are you switching to CLRS?

Why don't you ni/g/ers ever talk about Forth?

kys fag

>02 on face isn't inverted in the mirror
And don't try to tell me it was supposed to be "50" when there's clearly an "02" on the left arm.


>he doesn't know
What drama?

the difference between lisps and forth is that in doing anything in forth is a pain in the ass while lisps give you freedom and are a joy to use, also this thread is about sicp editions, and last time i chekced there wasnt one in forth.
forthfag seething and coping may now commence

Attached: bog.jpg (581x581, 41.28K)

what happened?

>he doesn't know


I remember slamming my head on various hard surfaces while trying to get through this book. First programming text I ever picked up because of the memes.

I learned a lot though so it was worth it.

it's a forced meme some faggot has been pushing so hard in every thread lately, you may safely ignore

stop drama baiting
shut the fuck up
go back to the discussion on discord if you want to lick your wounds