I can't get a good job some distance away because i need to take care of my mom

>i can't get a good job some distance away because i need to take care of my mom

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Don't revolve your life around money, user. You should focus on the ones you love.

She gave you life user

I am from a third world country, I have been offered jobs in the US, Germany and Canada, I rejected all of them because of my mom, God shall provide after

at least my brother lives with my parents and has no intention of moving, I feel less guilty moving to the other coast. When they get really old I will probably move back though, it would be wrong not to be there in their final years. There's no jobs in my buttfuck nowhere town but remote work should be an option

am I a dick for leaving my parents even though my 3 siblings still live in the same ton with them?
i of course will visit on occasion

good on you user, one of the best programmers in my country but I'm not leaving for faang money only cause of my parents even though they won't stop me

you're a good man

same here. Computers help me stay sane.

wfh? the future is now grandpas

Can't you just work remote shit?

At least your mom is still alive.

Absolutely based.

> getting cucked by your family picking a shithole with no opportunity and refusing to leave the worthless shithole to pursue your own opportunity.

you have no soul

Good man, user. Don't hate her for it. She took care of you for years I'm sure otherwise you wouldn't be doing this.

just kill her. you're only going to become resentful

Kill yourself you virtuous faggot. I grew up in an absolute poverish shithole with no opportunity and was the youngest of three. I had two older brothers, one with aspergers and another with schizophrenia. My parents bent over backwards to keep them around no matter how much chaos they caused.
To this day In on anxiety medication from the constant manic screaming and knife swinging 3 am antics that went on nightly and the perpetual fear of going homeless because we were so poor.
I moved thousands of miles away not only to make money, but for peace of mind and well being to not have my life dominated by those demented brothers of mine because my mother never considered the distress it put on me.
To this day, my mother refuses to turn them over to the state and they dominate her and her husbands life. At 35 and 38 years old, neither brother can even manage to buy groceries for a day's worth of food on their own.

You sound weak af

Ah.. the classic crab in the buckets

And you sound like an overgrown child the needs the umbilical cord cut before you can make it in the real world

Just coming to this thread to say that I feel for you OP. A similar thing happened a close friend of mine. You can try looking for remote roles if you can program well.
I hope you get a suitable role and your mom gets better.

just grind leetcode until you can get a remote dev job paying $300k per year starting salary ez bro

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