How many of you are switching to Startpage after all the DuckDuckGo drama this week?

How many of you are switching to Startpage after all the DuckDuckGo drama this week?

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>this week
Everyone on Any Forums jumped shark from DDG six months ago if not before. Have you been living under a rock?

What drama?

I'm already using it though, just werks and should be more private than just directly using google

lurk more

I don't care,

Nice try, System1.

For me, it's Qwant.

>drama this week
way to out yourself as the same faggot who's spamming Brave Browser threads

>what drama?
>>they called a tranny a le tranny!
>400 replies of based! based! based!

I've been using SearX for over a year.

>This week
Mr. Mental Outlaw told us the truth about the kosher duck months ago, never trust a kosher duck

Based Mental Outlaw (PBUH) naming le happy "white" (((duck))).

>>This week
lurk more


para mi es Webcrawler

>months ago
did you really need le ebin youtuber to tell you that DuckDuckGo was a scam? did you not know from the very beginning?

startpage is anonymized google. you still get google results.

by leaving ddg you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

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I quit using startpage after it started refusing to work over my VPN. dunno if they've changed that.

Also back in like 2016 I used to have their email service (startmail) and they got bought by some ad company so I cancelled, and in the "nooo why are you leaving =(" thing I specifically told them that was why. probably nobody read it.

I'm not enamored of DDG, mind you, I wish there were more options here

google doesn't have good results

that's what i'm saying. you shouldn't use google or proxy google (startpage) just because duckduckgo has some negatives to it.

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This is news to me. What search engine was less shitty for people to want to move to next?

i went back to google since it rivalled old DDG in results.
yandex has the best image search but the rest sucks.
bing and yahoo just suck across the board.
DDG is censored cuckshit.