Being trans is a mental disorder that should not be encouraged

Being trans is a mental disorder that should not be encouraged.
Change my mind.

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Not really. It's social conditioning by pedos and degenerates.

its both.

Basically, but if all it takes for them to feel better is to humor them then who cares. It's not like I have any stake in what gender they are.
I think a lot of them would benefit from more therapy and less hugbox echo chambers though.
Seems like a huge portion of them "transition" and then come to regret it, a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

what a great hobby this tranny gender stuff is

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It's fine you don't like it, but according to the people that define mental illness, being trans isn't an illness. Cope.

gender dysphoria is literally a mental illness dude

Kys faggots. Mentality ill like you should die.


You're foaming at the mouth because someone said people should be kind to the mentally ill.
I think you're the mentally ill.

Yea, when did that change? Pretty sure it was around the tail end of Obama when the blue haired college kids were too busy making up genders at antifa parties they forgot to shave their armpits.

Pretty much the end of your statement tho. Encouraging it pushes them to get some fucked up surgery.

If your brain tells you your body is the wrong gender and to cut parts off, maybe you need a psych.

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Why would any living creature human or not be kind to a mentally handicapped creature? They wouldn't. Kys

I just like having fem guys with low self esteem around to blow me.
To hell with the politics, I just wanna nut.

Is that sssniperwolf?

You should kys faggot

I agree with you but what else do we do with them? inb4 gas them no something we actually could do and that society would accept? I mean letting them destroy there bodies really hurts no one but themselves. Yes there are problems like how transgender athlete's do far better then cis girls at sports and some rape things that really need to be dealt with. It seems like the most effective and hands off approach to dealing them with them for now.

Found the pedophile.

Only a child would get so mad that I like to fuck fem looking dudes.
Or someone who was insecure in their own sexuality. Why are you on this thread anyway?

go back election nigger

I say the earlier we get them on HRT the more hotter n fuckable they'll be.

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Ho back to your coomer thread tranny nignogs

Amouranth was one of the few successful MtF conversions

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>high school dropout decides they're more educated on mental illness than people that literally study it for a living
Dunning–Kruger has entered the chat

>Heavily filtered and shittons of makeup
Nigger what are you smoking that makes you think this is real?

You offer them psychological treatment
Let them live as they choose
But don't hold parades and celebrate a mental illness.

Still foolin tons of simps

Middleschool dropout

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Not mad. I just get off from faggots killing themselves. Don't kink shame me. Kys faggot

>broad shoulders
>facial structure of a man