Explain to me whats wrong here

Explain to me whats wrong here

Attached: j782ptd6py131.jpg (499x566, 26.29K)

It's missing a BooleanComparatorFactory object.

It's entirely superfluous.

What's the point of having compareBooleans(x, y);
When you can just do (x == y) (and in fact this is the only thing your abstraction does
It doesn't really serve any purpose, it's just overly verbose and not in a way that's useful, just redundant

>twitter screencap thread

Attached: 1644886808737.jpg (310x394, 33.46K)

Brainlet here, but shouldn't the if statement return true?

It's not only overly verbose and can be replaced with a == b, it's also has an error.

Good morning sir

>I need a drink.
wowzers, he is really adulting!

yes everyone glossed over that, the if is wrong
"if they are equal return false"
>function named "are booleans equal"

other than that it is bloat as fuck, the initial code should just be
if bool1 == bool2
//do stuff

these funcs are both shit, but for sure the top one is 100% useless

>whats wrong here
twitter. it allows retards that would otherwise be shut down by the societal hierarchies, express themselves like equals to regular people.
that often makes them bold and encourages them to compete for attention, often posting fabricated bullshit like pic related.

even his cartoon avatar is doing a onions face

internal static bool AreBooleansEqual(bool orig, bool val)
return orig != val

Do you see the problem now?

You do NOT want any code to be run in public functions as it is unsafe and shouldn't be trusted.

Nothing wrong with it. Keep in mind we are talking about a case where booleans being equal means them not being equal logically.
If you knew the context you wouldn't be complaining.


This. I can imagine the retard in OP's pic to change it and then everything breaks, while blaming it on the original developer.

Good morning sir

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.

The scary thing about this code is: how many references are there to it in the rest of the code base...??

Look up is-odd and is-even on NPM. More of this comedy gold, except people use it.

I smell poo...