Do you fear death? be honest?

Do you fear death? be honest?

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who wants to live forever

I fear dying. I don't fear death.

Not at all I want to die :)


do you not fear oblivion? eternal nothingness

Fearing death is like fearing the rain or the night. Its everywhere and its part of your day to day life so you can either get consumed by fear or accept it.

I used to but the older you get the less you give a fuck

not really. I just hope it will be painless

I only started fearing it in my 30s since the reality of it is becoming greater and greater
It just sucks at some point between now and 45-50 years from now I'll cease to exist and will never know what happens to humankind

Eternal nothingness isnt being locked in a a dark room forever. Thats the fear people cant get passed. Its hard to quantify not existing.
Until you realize you already did it before you were born. You were fine.

how old are you right now?

blame the ego for not being able to let go
the thing literally can't understand not existing


That used to be my greatest fear, since it's the closest analogy to not existing. I used to have panic attacks about it, still do sometimes to be honest.

The older I get, though, the more I feel like it's going to be ok, in the end. I get some comfort knowing that most elderly people are not freaking out about this issue, which is much more immediate for them.

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Yea I'm a dad now. Before that I didn't give two shits.

Worried now though, I wanna see him grow up. He's gonna inherit all my money, shares and property so he's gonna be well off. I just want to be there for him for as long as possible.

Nope... I feel like it can't be worse than living. It's either nothingness or something that might be better. Either way there's no point of fearing something that's inevitable and happens to everyone and everything.

I only fear who will find my hentaicollection.

Cant happen soon enough. praying for a quick release or nuclear catastrophy. fuck this gay earth. only effective survival strategy is clownhood and i was born in a nation without liberty. the struggle to survive isnt worth it if i never get to develop my virtue or pursue my happiness. but im supposed to be happy i can let the government record me having degenerate sex, and that i can spend my fiat good boy points on sugar drinks?

I fear continuing a life where i have to listen to and read dumb ass shit from people like you.

It worries my every waking moment.

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I am immortal.

I don't fear death. I just want to live to 80-90 years old before I take my dirt nap. Not into pain, so I am hoping I die "peacefully" in my sleep.

says the jackass that clicked on the thread with dumb ass shit. kek

Found the 20 year old

Nah, my afterlife will be fun. I love life and death is just a change of scenery.