How are you planning to take revenge on society for mistreating you?

How are you planning to take revenge on society for mistreating you?

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Killing racist closet faggots like he did to Nick.

Start a political party and fix this shit

turn everyone into a femboy

Well if it’s exactly like what you will be doing, it’s impotently posting on a message board that’s obsessed with bbc, shecock, and lolis before killing myself with a dildo rammed down my throat.

The world loves me as I love the world.

Go away.

Watch Joker and unleash my inner agent of chaos

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im gonna suck every mans dick on the planet

>Glowies be bored today.

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I'm making huge amounts of ricin.
So far i have seven pounds.

>lives in the best time to be human
>still a butthurt, unsuccessful loser
>blames others

Sorry I'm not insulting you, I'm just starting my autobiography.

You need to realize that the traits you likely hate others for are all present within yourself as well. They just manifest themselves differently. You do harm to others all the time, but it might be in less obvious ways. You too are human, and this meat prison just has flaws that are inescapable. The fact that you want to "get revenge" on "society" shows me that you're likely no better than the people you seek to exact this revenge upon.

Look at yourself honestly for once. In forgiving yourself, you will learn to forgive others for being human.

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Same answer as the last 50 times this thread has been posted.

Continue to receive all the Govt money I can get and do absolutely nothing. I get "paid" not to work. Get Govt welfare and Snap benefits. Don't pay a penny when I go to a doctor or hospital. Over 3/4 of my housing you wage chucks pay for.

by not saving you from yourselves.

I'm going to do nothing...

By voting democrat in 2024

I haven't been particularly poorly treated, no worse than anyone else. Even if I had... so what? I'd take revenge on my tormentors, not society. Even then it would have to have been something drastic for me to want actual revenge.

If you feel different and you're not a suppressed minority then you should probably reevaluate more critically. This is the best time ever to be alive, the past sucks, and nobody owes you anything. Not now, not ever.


Shitposting of course.

I don't have anything against society Mr. FBI

The best revenge is living well. Work hard, get a cute wife, pump out some kids, be a better father than your father was.

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