What do you think about Mormons?

What do you think about Mormons?

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That is fucking cool i wish that was my house

>Hard to believe the background of it, didn’t the founder think he was a prophet.
>Two missionaries stopped me walking home once. Probably paid thousands to do it. One was a newfag and an autist, didn’t say much, just stood there. The other was extremely positive about life. Skilled communicator. Could have made a great salesman, probably is from a sales background.
>Religion is a meme. It’s a cope for weaklings that need a comfort blanket. But, if believing in it makes them happy, or perhaps they find moral fortitude in it lacking from a democrat liberal society. why not.


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They are mostly awful. I live around them.

They aren’t paid shit to be missionaries, it’s their “obligation” to do a 2 year mission of trying to recruit people into their cult. They can’t get to the “next step” of being a Mormon until they’ve done their missionary work.

I like Mormons, they've always been cool and nice to me. I don't really care what they believe in.

Care to explain how they are awful?

They have one too many Ms in their name.

sure- bigoted, judgmental, close-minded. Have a stranglehold on local politics and the economy. This makes it difficult to get promoted or progress in your career since you aren't in their little club.

Mostly good people, I spent time in the church as a kid it wasn’t for me and I moved on.

What’s wrong with having some morals and values….. no harm no foul. I do know of a few relationships that went bust, husbands were pervs wife didn’t know until after marriage …. They feel stuck and shamed if they move on. Divorce rate has increased amongst Mormons I think.

I don't live in an area where they have a stranglehold on anything. But the ones I've met have all been genuinely nice and receptive. They seemed like a caring group of people. But, just my opinion.

That is another thing, that behavior you are getting is facade. Seriously, when they outnumber you it completely changes. I have heard your story a few times

Not sure what you mean by that, I've only ever spoken to them in pairs so they outnumber me. But they have still been friendly and understanding.

Technically they pay TO do it, cause it's for free and most of their income trickles back to the "church" lol. When you brainwash a bunch of smoothbrains into believing your imaginary man cult, you can take whatever you want in the name of whoever you want. They'll bend over and spread every time

haha, I mean when they are the dominant group in the city or region. And by pairs you must mean missionaries. Of course they are nice to you. They are trying to convert you.

Morons? Well, there's a place in society for everyone I guess

linkedin jessica-roberson-433856245

I grew up around mormons.

Most of them are phony.

This. 100%

>Buttloads of incest
>You get your personal planet to lord over when you die
Batshit insane but fun

Yeah, MLM is either Multilevel Marketing or Mormons Losing Money.
For real.

I'm positive most of these spin off religions are really just incels trying to get pussy, power, and money. I just laugh knowing how easy it is and how often these things pop up