Who comes the closest to being the Richard Feynman of computing?

who comes the closest to being the Richard Feynman of computing?

Attached: fun_to_imagine.jpg (480x360, 12.19K)

no one knows who this is. d.o.a. thread, kys.

>no one knows who this is
Do zoomers really?

I'd say Dennis Ritchie. Thank god for that man.

Dennis Ritchie was pretty antisocial. Or maybe I'm just focusing on the wrong thing? Feynman was a good communicator and kind of a chad though.

Probably some other phisicist/mathematicean.
You can always answer von Neumann for such questions since the fucker is involved in everything.

Richard Feynman
>not seeing him explain computers in terms of filing cabinets and water pipes
Unfortunately now Congress is convinced the internet is a "series of tubes"

Fabrice Bellard

Attached: Fabrice_Bellard.jpg (240x320, 15.24K)

is this a shadow or a sweat?


Attached: csv.jpg (564x476, 48.21K)

Larry Wall

You are asking too much from them.

Niklaus Wirth

>I'd say Dennis Ritchie.
I'd go got Brian Kernighan instead, as a better communicator.

nigga's parents named him febreze lmao

Attached: febreze.jpg (488x488, 18.27K)

Steve Jobs

>nigga's parents named him febreze lmao
nah, france wasn't that black back then, his parents are not niggers and he himself is not a nigger.

Gary Kildall

Rakim from Oakland

incredible dev power
however, not known for his educational communication
