I just want to die

I just want to die

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What is it that makes you want to quit the game

how do we do it instantly and without pain? i want a 100% guarantee on that otherwise i can't do it.

verification not required

If in canada, claim you cant find or afford to live due to your condition and they will euthanize you.

Easy. Google for Exit in Switzerland.

Not a joke. If you decide to do it consider donating whatever you have to Pandas, Orang-Utans or whatever charity you like.

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Hey, user. Please don't. My uncle who I haven't talked to since I was 12 committed suicide today after getting COVID, and somehow I still cried.

>mom dead
>dad is a literal con man sociopath
>older brother treats me like I don’t exist
>no other family or support
>work a government service job where I’m surrounded by boomers who get off on hurting people
>$14,000 in debt, can barely afford to live making minimum payments
>can’t find a place to live that I can afford, about to homeless because the people I’m renting a room from are having a baby and need me gone
>failed tranny, don’t even publicly identify as a woman anymore because people either harass me or tokenize me or rape me
>in the latter case a woman I thought I loved and who I thought loved me raped me repeatedly during a phase in her life when she was an out of control alcoholic
>she’s cleaned up, making tons of money, about to have a baby, her life is great
>all I want is a family and I will never have one, I’ll never know the joy of childbirth, I’m a fucked up semi-retarded queeroid that no one wants to be around
>I’m alone, will die alone, and I pray to God every day to kill me in my sleep

it’s my belief that from your perspective, suicide never succeeds. I already tried, I have so many memories of killing myself and I keep coming back to this life like I’m trapped in some fucked up curse. I feel like a prisoner in my own life, I don’t even feel human anymore

just don't live in america.

I literally tried to patch things up with my dad (who has citizenship in another country) so he could help me get citizenship in his home country and I could go live with my extended family. but his reputation back home is so fucked up because he’s such a sick liar and selfish manipulator that people back home want to kill him so he refused to help me

That’s a signal. The universe wants you alive.

Now post tits and timestamp. That’s why you’re really here tonight.

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>believing in meanings behind numbers

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Fucking waste of quints

Op here honestly im just craving cock right now and only Grindr is available

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trust me I’m a waste of life, too

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already did this. gave me pseudo-schizophrenia and made it even harder to form relationships with people who can help me in any way, shape, or form

I don't want to die, I just want all of my problems to go away. The only issue is that I have almost no ambition what so ever to help myself. I feel I wasn't designed for the way the world works, I'll never have a place.

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I understand this sentiment, and I used to feel the same. the issue is that I’ve had moments in my life without problems. but they never last. it’s untenable to have a life without problems ever, life is just a series of problems if you look at it from a large enough scale of time. I’m at the point where even if it shit goes right I’m in the back of my mind wondering when it’ll fail. every blessing I’ve received in this life is like a fruit basket with mold on the bottom, that I don’t discover until I’ve already eaten all the mold infested fruit.

it’s the nature of things that everything decays and dies, and I don’t want to live in this world where this isn’t only the case, but we live in a particular time where people are increasingly numb to the loss. no one grieves for all the suffering and death around us, even in our own lives, it’s just
>get back to work
it’s the path of least resistance that I simply stop living instead of drawing on the energy of the people around me just to live. especially considering that seemingly no one around me can do anything to help me

I wish I were immortal. If I could never die I would have a much nicer time. I would even give up being human for that, maybe I could turn into a tree or a rock and just exist forever in my own head. If I were immortal I wouldn't feel any outside pressure to progress, I could stay exactly as I am right now, every single one of my problems would be solved.

Same, bro. TFW too aspie to work and too incel to fuck.
My folks are dead and I wish I died in my sleep every night.

Too many microtransactions.