My flag is bug spray for yuppy liberals...

My flag is bug spray for yuppy liberals. They know once they see this on my property they know it's best to keep their distance because of castle doctrine. I'm proud of my heritage and everything they stood for. Good people were killed from 1861-1864. Amen.

Attached: Confed.jpg (1600x1600, 164.37K)

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Hey autist, only the 900th time you've posted this. I would tell you to go back to your country but you don't have one

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Yet you keep posting the same image as well. Funny how others shit can stink but yours not.

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>Proud of being racist inbred retard
Im not proud of ideas that lost but okay congratulations I guess

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Not from Alabama.

Because of bullshit rules that make no sense.

Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan
Hmm. Sounds like you're familiar with losing quite a bit.

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What's wrong with having sex with your cousin? Explain that to me. In your own words please, no media talking points.

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What will fag Sherman do if I say "Hate, not heritage"?

It doesn't work my house still stands.

Genetics. But that might be allot for you to take in. So.... The smaller the group the more likely there they're are too be defects. If your family keeps rinsing and repeating that they'll eventually end up looking like the people in The Hills Have Eyes

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Ever hear of birth control pills? Diaphragms? Of course you haven't.

My cousin just became legal a few months ago :^)

Yeah but they have instructions. Doesn't that mean you need to be able to read?

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I could always ask someone else to read it. Or read it myself like I've been doing with all your retarded comments thus far. Or I could ask my tard wrangler in charge of me.