An angel sent from above

An angel sent from above

She looked to share her art, for communication, and love

But the devils of earth off her wings they tore

Kiwifarms found out and on their backs, they bore

Kiwifarms treaded the evil land

Kindly giving the angel their hand

Kiwifarms stayed up night and day

To fix the wings of the angel they cared for

And send her on her way

Kiwifarms proceeded with care and love

They hoped the angel could fly up above

But the Devil appeared and caught her in her jar

And took her away from her innocence and the caring Kiwis so far

The Devil once again tore off her wings

And replaced them with puppet strings

The Devil forced the angel to do terrible things

Kiwifarms could only watch with tears in their eyes

They are the first to hear the angels cries

Now the angel sits in a cell

While the Devil laughs in Hell

But Kiwifarms did not give up

Forever they will hold the angel up

They know the angel is not to blame

But the Devil hiding in Hells planes

A circle of love has formed around the angel so dear

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(Cont from OP.)

From Kiwifarms

From YouTube

From Reddit

From here

Wtf kys Chris chan was nothing more than a train wreck to create.

>OP here. I write poems in my free time

>Kiwifarms will always protect you Christine, so will we. You’re not to blame at all for any of this. None of it is your fault now, and it never was your fault. So many people love and care about you and want to prove your innocence and that you were forced to do what you did, that it wasn’t your own will. And we will always fight for that. All of us. Kiwifarms, Reddit. and Any Forums. You’re kind, sweet, and gentle, you’re mentally Ill and autistic, you also have the mind of an innocent child. You’d never do this or hurt anyone on your own.

>If you’d like to hear more of my poetry tell me.

Christine was, and still is, a victim. None of this is of her own doing. Please do your research and don’t support cyberbullying. Thanks

you dont get it newfag

Thank you.

You're a humongous faggot
You're also a humongous faggot but for different reasons.

Trips of truth niggers

God I fucking hate Chris threads. They always turn into arguments between Kiwifarm faggots who think Chris is an innocent, wholesome, little angel, incapable of wrong-doing because mental illness and or autism, and faggots who think he’s the second coming of Hitler.

Both are extremely fucking annoying.

Trips of truth.

Do some research on Christine and what happened to her before you fucking run your mouth. There’s a God damned reason Kiwifarms (And everyone else who knows about what happened in her life, really. Watch ThatGamerfromMars or TehMimi’s videos on her) defends her innocence. She’s innocent, she’s was literally threatened into doing this shit. You’re awful. Have you see “The Joker” film? Maybe read Stephen King’s “Carrie”? This case is extremely similar.

You’re a piece of shit who doesn’t deserve trips.

fuckoff logposter

I didn’t say anything bad about Chris. I just said his asslickers (you) and the people who hate the fucker are both annoying. And I’ve been following Chris for along time, I don’t need “”research””” from drama channels just learning about him.

You need to chill

Wait, this is logfag?

>why are you quoting nothing?

the people on kiwifarms are a bunch of moralfagging pussies

No they’re not. They’re intelligent people who have limits. They know when someone is innocent and needs their help, so they help them. And they all see Christine as their child because they know she has it bad, they also have TONS of evidence she’s a puppet in all of this and didn’t do this on her own, but was forced too. Like I said, most of them are super intelligent and internet savvy and know alot about snooping, doxxing, and hacking. They’re fighting the good fight and have done many good things, while this site’s done nothing but wax their carrots to porn.

Suck my anus

Tl;dr faggot

I've had people say mean things to me online. It never made me want to fuck my mother

also he raped his mom

No ,no you don't get jt,we get jt,it's just we DON'T F Care!

>t. kiwifarms pussy

Christine was hurt her whole life. Also a woman named Bella had threatened and harassed her until she did it, which Barb DID consent, but lied about having Alzheimer’s to keep from getting into legal trouble for having sex with her daughter. The information is all on the Cwcki and on Kiwifarms, along with proof. Christine was nearly pawn and a puppet.

OP here, i am a faggot and i am a false prophet, god is a superstition!

You ain’t me, and I ain’t religious. I’m an atheist because I actually HAVE a high
IQ. I just used demons and angels as symbolism in my poem.

Every fucking day your posting about this incest troon. Go to kiwi farms with this shit. It was funny till he got that barbpussy and now it's just weird and fucked up

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chris chan is a fat retard tranny who deserves nothing less than all the pain he us experiencing

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You’re a piece of shit.

dumb niggers you're mentally ill too.


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