Be me

>be me
>see rekt threads
>scared of death
>see many failed suicide attempts

need to know how to best minimize failure of suicide, I dont want to stay in this shit hole any longer than i have to

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Fight a bear.

Helium mask.

>falling from a high place.
>access to firearms? shotgun if you don't mind the mess
>overdose on barbiturates/fentanyl/nembutal
>literally hang yourself
there will always be risks no matter what, user. hope things get better for you and good luck

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Get vaccinated

One bullet in heart will do

If you stay alive, at some point in the future you will realise you are glad you didn't end it. At the moment you don't understand how that could be or why, but you will find out

Jump off a high building or shotgun to head, those are your best choices. And I haven't seen that many failed suicide attempts on the internet, at least not compared to the successful ones. My advice is go fight in a war of your choosing. If you live, you have experience that may wake you up and aid you in life, or you die and at least you died like a man.

Back a car up to a tree
Tie a rope around your neck at one end and around the tree
Get in, start the car, hit the gas
Instant beheading

Don't kill yourself, and if gore/rekt videos keeps you from ending yourself, then keep watching it. But seriously, don't kill yourself, this world can feel like hell sometimes, but it isn't true. Please stay alive.

This is a lie. People like this retard was always telling me it gets better. It can get better but no matter what happens I still wish I killed my fucking self. This life sucks no matter how good you have it.

Tie a knot, you got a wire lying around, or buy a belt kek you fucking idiot gtfo and kys jew

Sounds like you just wanna piss and moan instead of doing anything, this is why your life is the way it is and it's your fault alone. Nobody cares about you, or can be bothered to deal with your whiny ass, it's why 'none of the treatments work' kek truth is you're just a piece of shit nobody has time for, you can't even kill yourself lmfao gtfo man, you're pathetic

Killing yourself is the biggest pussy shit you can do "Wahhh my life is so hard" there are people out there with no arms and no legs who carry on each day. But here you are whining. Grow tf up and stop being such a faggot.

>there are people out there with no arms and no legs who carry on each day
Duh, what are they gonna do, pick up a gun and shoot themselves?

I've never understood why people don't combine methods for certainty.
Take a handful of meds, take a swig of whiskey, tie a noose round your neck, jump off a building and then shoot yourself on the way down. That's how a man gets a job done.

And also jump into a live volcano, just to be sure

I already jumped, seethe harder

The building is a man made volcano

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