Best ways to make an ex girlfriend jealous? My Instagram is public and she hasn't blocked me on there...

Best ways to make an ex girlfriend jealous? My Instagram is public and she hasn't blocked me on there. She actually made her Insta public recently, I think she is trying to get my attention and shit. Texted me about some random bullshit a few weeks ago too. Anyways, how do I make this bitch jealous? I want to hatefuck the dumb pig.

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Get fit, aquire other women.

Subtly post pics that show you've been hooking up with other sluts and having the time of your life

Show off your impressive Pokemon Go profile.

stop caring this much. leave her on read. give one word replies days later.

nice piece of cunt

Fuck her friends. And share her nudes. Ideally here

Post a fake lottery ticket saying you won, then when she invariably contacts you trying to get back together call her a whore

Share her nudes (here) and ghost her

>Best ways to make an ex girlfriend jealous?
Easy, just completely ignore her and forget about her.
anyone who knows will say the same.

I hate to be the one who has to tell you this, but she made her profile public so that other guys can see her and message her first.

It’s the first thing most girls do when they’re hooking up (or trying to).

There’s very little chance she’s going to be looking at your profile with all the new attention she will be getting.

Please just forget about her and move on. I wish I had someone to tell me this when I was younger.

never reply, cut off all contact.

Damn you and your logic

you are so hung up on her holy shit. if you wanna get over her, forget she ever existed. AND STIOP FUCKING FOLLOWING HER ON SOCIALS FFS

Pic related. Got drinks with my ex's friend a month later. We both got tipsy and I brought up fwb. She was shocked at first but then texted me this a day later. Fucked her for two years.

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No nudes unless I get some good advice.

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Best way, change yourself for the better and get a new bird. Get fit, new haircut, new clothes and hobbies, but most of all distance yourself from her. Remove all reminders. Attraction is a push pull dynamic. The party who cares the least has the power and is more attractive to the other. You're not attractive to her any more, because you're too desperate and a fucking saddo game player.

Ok except that she's reached out to me multiple times by text now about random shit she didn't need to even contact me about and blocked me on Snapchat when I deleted her off it. There's clearly a reason she hasn't blocked me on Instagram and opened up her profile- she wants me to notice her and reach out. But I won't.

>i dont want to mess with what we have but ya like i do miss getting fucked by a dick haha
>*fucks you for two years*
I hate women so goddamn much it's actually kind of terrifying.

Yeah, you shower her with attention it massively inflates her ego. She's looking for new cock, you are a plan B option making her feel good until then. You reek of desperation, she can smell it a mile off. You're the moth to her, a lightbulb. You'll burn saddo.

Stop being a beta simp.

Why hate them? Romantically, they're just like children. They don't know what they want, or what's good for them. They need someone to help them make sense of the world. Once you accept that they're not rational, it's hard to be angry. It's just their nature.

Some people call what you're in, "the anger phase". I would push you to make peace with it. The sooner you do, the sooner you'll get out of your own way.

Bitch! This IS good advice

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