Why you don't go outside?

Why you don't go outside?

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Because I live in shitty fucking Texas and it's so humid and hot that it's nearly impossible to breathe.

you on the coast user?

Nope. If I was, I'd at least have the benefit of a shitty Gulf of Mexico beach to to hit up. I'm smack dab in the middle of shit shit pile shaped like a state.

Agreed. Fuck this dusty barren shit zone.

over on the other side in NM but didn't think mid TX was humid. Just dry and hot af here

Been everywhere interesting near me

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>didn't think mid TX was humid
Oh, it is. The heat clings to you and the air is so thick that you get out of breath just walking to your car. I fucking hate summer.

>I fucking hate summer.
At least it's halfway finished.

too many people

Summer in Texas ends for two weeks in late January, then comes roaring back. This state is fucking horrible. I've been stuck here my entire life, but I'm getting out as soon as I can.

Because I hate summer

*Looks outside*
Oh hell no, I ain't going out there when it's so hot I can see the heat shimmer off the road!

Sounds like winters up north. What's stopping you now from leaving?

>What's stopping you now from leaving?
Right now I'm caring for a sick relative. It wouldn't be easy to move her to another state and establish the care and resources she needs.

define outside. my balcony door is open.

People suck, they suck so hard. I cant go out with out some dude or woman sucking my dick or trying. Its a sad life. You go to the store you already have a long line of people begging to open their jowls to receive limp penis

yours is probably already fully weared off.
people just suck.

Umm, this is seen all year long aside from piled snow on the road.

because I can't fap outside :(

if you fight off all the people that suck, you can.