I hate working but also need money

I hate working but also need money.

Wtf is this nightmare.

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Okay so allow me to kind of like rent a little bit here okay so yes you do not know me yes and I do not know you right and so I started like this new job right like about 2 months ago and okay just for your information I'm using like the text to speech thingy so like so the problem is that it automatically sensors the stuff like so it's it's always like I always get like you replies and comments about how you automatically f*** yourself right but it's not that I do it myself it just automatically does it for me

Are you now learning the real reason all men are in love with the idea of an apocalypse?

You need to grow up. Without purpose most adults feel lost and depressed. If you don't, then you are a child. If not physically, mentally, you need to grow up.

Life you lazy fuck. Unless you are a literal 11/10 female that gives amazing blowjobs you are going to have to work. Even 11/10 still have to suck a dick.

Yeah I have depression and I feel lost you don't have to f****** like rub it in you f****** b**** not everyone has the f****** best happiest time ever you f****** and sympathetic b****
Stop being a f****** clueless b**** if your mother or your sister see your post are they going to be proud of you or embarrassed yeah they're going to be f****** ashamed of you too so stop being nice to people b**** I mean start being nice to people

Its so sad that your purpose in life is to be a productive machine to the system all your better years of life

It's gay, but you need to suck it up and get a job.

>without purpose most adults feel depressed
based on what?

Sorry user but if your life is so pathetic and without meaning you can only feel purpose by slaving away at a job to make your boss rich then you are the depressed one, or more likely the braindead one

I used to believe that a job was needed to feel purpose, but then I realized how sad of a concept that is. Get a job, work until you can afford to spend some time retired and hopefully you don’t randomly die somewhere on the way to retirement.

I agree a job helps fill a void if you really do feel like there’s nothing driving you, but I’d much rather be able to live without working and just do hobbies or travel

Just FYI, I'm currently owning six figures but in the same boat.

Working for someone else sucks ass. Currently trying to think of ways to shift into owning my own business.

You earn money for freedom but the golden handcuffs mean you're still a slave.

Okay I know we're all f****** talking about jobs and stuff and I don't mean for this to be like spam or something but I just wanted like if you thoughts right so you will never know what the best brownie in the world tastes like if you have never tasted it right so same here age is just a number f*** society

Stop using text to speech. Reading your posts is giving me a seizure.

Also this is Any Forums, no one is gonna read these posts and no one gives a fuck

Neetmaxxing. I just play video games for 12 hours a day and invite a girl over now and then when I feel like socializing. It's not a life for everybody but I have very limited need to talk with people so it's honestly perfect. You just have to make a lot of money for like 5 years and then retire to live a simple life.

Look you f****** American b**** I never asked you to read my post so your eyes is doing you it's yourself a pain maybe so only finish your own f****** eyes that's not my problem right so yes yes

You must be a foreign teenager.

First of all I am just glad that I'm not a f****** dumbass young b**** who eats $1 burgers and asparagus every day while hiding away from the f****** School shooters and trying to be worried about going to the hospital because your bill is going to be f****** 1 million

Second of all I've been using the fortune cook I would love since like 1998 so yeah

Okay lol. I don’t even think you live in the US if that’s what you think.

This thread is about jobs fag, we all already agree age of consent should be 12

Well just for info for f****** information I I was always just talking about brownies I never said plainly and stuff out my f****** cramp on my f****** leg oh my freaking

Wtf is wrong with you? You realize you don’t make any sense right? Are you the guy that said he’s using text to speech?

its life, welcome to it. The best you can hope for is a job you don't hate. Good luck finding it tho.

Most of the times it makes sense sometimes the speech to text thing it's doesn't really register my voice correctly so maybe I don't know I don't have time to f****** check my text and then edit stuff you know like I have time is like important and stuff like also by the way the the reply the thread that you were applying I was just saying that I was only talking about in terms of like comparison with brownies I never play me said about age and stuff you know but like I appreciate that this guy I'm going to take I'm going to
So at least I might appreciate that not everybody is f****** brainwashed very much right