None of you will be normal because you are not extroverted with healthy childhoods

None of you will be normal because you are not extroverted with healthy childhoods

You likely have NO IDEA what this guy is talking about. And that is why you are not ever going to be a normalfag. Is dancing fun to you? Are you skilled at it? Are you fond of yelling WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" at the top of your lungs? Are you an extrovert? Do you yearn to be loud and obnoxious?

No? Then stop trying to be like them

Attached: file.png (633x645, 148.61K)

You will be surprised at how many normies visit this board. It's pretty gross ngl.

im an ambivert you fucking troglodyte anyone can chill in a room full of normies with music playing, go push your doomer dogshit onto someone else

Amber alert?
What's the make and license

Only faggots define their whole personality on what kind of Vert they are

Isnt that just… being drunk?

im a lil uzi vert

Im green in French

I was locked in the house as a kid and not allowed to play with others, I grew up in solitary confinement and it continued to adulthood and beyond.

I enjoy being alone now, I know no other style of living, and honestly have no desire to be like this person shown, it seems tiresome.

Attached: celluloid-shot0082.jpg (1920x1080, 148.24K)

cool story brehzc

Attached: 71177245.gif (281x300, 1.32M)

> What's in a name
you were home-schooled,
weren't you , HUH?

Btw. auto-correct suggest ambivalent, so..o...

What is an ambivert? AMBER LAMPS FLASH'N

Attached: minkus.jpg (700x680, 83.87K)

I'm an ambivert too. Were you born introverted and forced to learn to be extroverted?
Are literally retarded children.

Attached: youasked.jpg (1440x1427, 158.45K)

Newsflash: we don't try to be like this twat.

Okay. Enjoy your normalcy and all the baggage that entails.

Cope, libtard.

Imagine being such a brainwashed cult follower that your identity is built around disliking and complaining about a political figure who hasn't even been in office for 1 1/2 years, and you do so constantly and out of context to the point that people don't even want you around. Sad. Many such cases.

What was even your message here? No one is trying to be like him. You either are or you aren't. The only thing that matters is that neither way of handling life is an objectively better one. People like this were suicidal during the lock down. I had a great time.


He's using plebbit. He's less of a person than the lowest of the lowest even here.

incest is wincest libtard