Lol it’s fucking over for the right

Lol it’s fucking over for the right

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Democracy doesn't work when your country is filled with darkies


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>as long as DeSantis six feet under

>I'm not a fascist but. . .

prob only asked dems who'd they vote for.

Trump was unironically the last gasp of the right

How? I've said this for True dope. I'll say it for her. A wet sock in a gay man's asshole would make for a better leader.

Antifa can eat my poop.

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This retard nigger cunt whore couldn't beat a local Karen for the open school board position (unless she managed to drop to her knees and suck off every male in the local area that would even bother showing up to vote for a school board election).


>Let me tell you I'm an incel without directly saying it.

>A poll from the Harvard University Center for American Political Studies (CAPS) has found that Harris enjoys 39 support to the Republican governor's 37 percent in a theoretical contest.
>However, those numbers are very tight and the Harris poll found that a significant 23 percent of respondents were undecided between DeSantis and Harris.

Yeah dude its so over

The whole "I'm the heroic leader you need" that Trump sucesfully sold to magas is unique to Trump.

There'll never again exist someone that actually believes that

1) truly believes that about themselves like Trump
2) is charasmatic enough to sell it to enough voters
3) has the means to actually run a presidential campaign

Once Trump dies of old age, (which is happening around the end of summer 2022) you'll see the GOP burn through dozens of people trying to catch the Trump fire in a bottle. But it ain't happening again. It was a once in a century fluke.

Desantis is just the first spit all that isn't going to stick to the wall.

Of course their views on the issues are outdated as fuck

there is a large chunk of Trumptards who will legit sit the election out if Trump isn't the nominee
the GOP knows this, and therefore will never officially back a candidate who isn't Trump if he's still alive

You people are so fucking deluded.


I am 30 years old and I have never been polled in my life. My mother and father have also never been polled. Who are they polling? People living in liberal shitholes who vote democrat in the hopes of gimmesums?

Pretty much this. Desantis might be popular in Florida with his constituents, but good luck selling him as a candidate to moderates and undecided voters.

I've been polled once, back in 2012
I live in a non-swing state though, which probably reduces my odds considerably

>It never happened to me; ergo, it never happened at all.
I never saw a miracle. My parents never saw one either. Therefore, going by your logic, the Bible is absolute bullshit.

Also 1 poll doesn't mean shit

well my dad works at fortnight and he says 38% of poll numbers are made up on the spot.


Lol no she wouldnt.
She is political cancer and even the left know it

If you believe that, you really are delusional.

Ron DeSantis is scared of an obese 76 year old white man. Kamala would destroy him, and I fucking hate her.

Lol! No.

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I mean, even she acknowledged that she owe the first 15 years of her career to sucking the cock of Willie Brown, the mayor of the city she worked in and a married man 40 years her senior

Reminders from the 2020 election:
Kamala was the first serious candidate to drop after being absolutely BTFOd by Tulsi Gabbard.
Kamala let an innocent man stay on death row to pad her prosecution percentage.
Kamala got to where she is by sucking Willie Brown's brown willie.
There is absolutely no way Kamala will win.
Biden should drop for 2024 and let the candidates compete.
That is the only way Democrats have a shot.

Haha no