What exactly are the privacy issues of using Windows? What kind of data they keep track of?

What exactly are the privacy issues of using Windows? What kind of data they keep track of?

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There aren't any. Any Forums just doesn't understand how anonymized telemetry works or why that leads to windows having orders of magnitude fewer bugs than linux

file history, application usage, error reports, viruses, internet history, computer settings, keystrokes, date & time, the list goes on. lots can be turned off in settings/registry edits but theres also a lot of unknown shit going on behind the scenes that we will never understand the true extent of. they also roll out new experimental ways to spy on you/scan your data - sometimes to "improve user experience," "fix errors," or my favorite, "stopping crime"

Microsoft knows what programs you open and how often, if Microsoft so chooses they could identify people using pirated content and forward their details to the jewish lawyers at the MPAA or RIAA. If a certain software is demonized in the media, say Brave for being run by Brendan Eich, they could disable it on your computer remotely. If you use Bitcoin, Microsoft has your private keys, and some Pajeet browsing the telemtry data can still your bitcoins if he so chooses.


0/20 bait

Only the first of those three is true

t. rajesh dalit, microsoft dev

when you use your pc
what features do you use (how long you stare at something etc.)
hwo you react to ads
personal profile of interests to target ads
what hardware you use and how it changes
your location and how it changes
how long and at what time of the day you use ur pc
what programs you use
type of websites you visit
networks you connect to

stuff like that pretty much
>orders of magnitude fewer bugs than linux
all linux desktop bugs come from incompetency and shitty management, backend side of things is very good which is to be expected since it gets so much funding

not much just literally everything you type in the os

gm 2 u

Is telemetry linked to the microsoft account of the user ?

>What kind of data they keep track of?
This question is asked so often that Microsoft wrote a tool about 7 years ago to query it. It's called "Windows Diagnostic Data Utility", and recall it's built into (but not enabled) recent versions of Windows.

Not anonymized, but it may feel that way for the average unimportant user. If they want to take you down, they absolutely will use Windows data collection to its full potential on you.


Try reading their EULA and privacy policy some time you stupid fucking cunt.

Gee, if only there was a whopping 2 page document called an end user licensing agreement that you agreed to when you installed Windows that had a complete list of Microsoft's terms, conditions, and privacy policy for using their shitware.
Here you go, shit for brains. Need me to come to your house and read it to you too?


not clicking your tranny site

Windows has a universial backdoor. Microsoft can install any software they want on your PC and can therefore collect all the data they want, personalized or not.

Good, you'll be able to show it to us, or at least some documentation.
I'm sure you'll come through for us user, we've only been asking for nearly 30 years.