Everything is one big disorganized mess

>Everything is one big disorganized mess
>voice chat is garbage
>video conferencing is garbage
>becomes a constant annoyance when installed
>everyone who installs it eventually forgets that it exists and then remembers why they hate it when they open it again

Why do people use this shit?

Attached: 62a07b53139aec4c1fd07771_discord-logo.png (1140x620, 120.54K)

Because all of my friends and uni classmates use it. Even some of my courses use it in an official capacity.

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Time to leave your school.


Attached: download.png (344x147, 2.59K)

No one cares old man, go have a heart attack mowing your lawn.

There's a 100% chance that I'm younger than you.

Because it does what Teamspeak used to do but for retards

I always found it interesting that an app for communication is called discord.
Isnt that ironic?

i use it as a cloud to store my shit; and they do it for free
one click and I can stream my screen for friends
the list goes on

>Everything is one big disorganized mess
Yes. It's a piece of shit, totally non-intuitive.

I use it to talk to a single friend. If it wasn't for him, I would not use it. And I'm considering to uninstall it.

Attached: 1658446021346754.png (710x842, 277.23K)

Fuck this shit. I'm going to uninstall it right away.

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What do you expect from a FREE product you nigger.

what alternative should i use then?


now look up the company's logo

I use the web client.

>discord is discord
I despite op making the joke it loopty looped out of his mouth and went straight over his head

>not XMPP

It is not free when you pay for it with your private data, you fucking idiot.

>Everything is one big disorganized mess
before they added big community features like: Server discovery, stage channels, forum channels, server-specific profiles, bio's, profile backgrounds, automod, etc. it was a pretty coherent chat app that combined chat+voice easily with powerful but easy to configure role permission system
>voice chat is garbage
better than what we used to have for free, either Skype with tons of latency and shit quality (and free exploits) or random public teamspeak servers with questionable quality and latency
64-96kbps SILK mono Opus is what everyone else uses anyways
The current best alternative - selfhosted mumble - will never add screenshare and webcam support, which guess what, is a big deal.
>>video conferencing is garbage
It is, but it has it and is better than the alternatives
>>becomes a constant annoyance when installed
turn off notifications retard

All of this and you never complained about the fact that it's 100% electron and chews your CPU performance? Fucking retard.

Attached: 1660785639638871.png (398x386, 94.3K)

and don't forget that its used exclusively by child predators and gamers, and child predator gamers

xmpp MUCs are gone when the server that hosts them goes offline
matrix is more reliable

I can only use the web client because I noticed that it scans every single process on your computer even if you disable everything associated to that option. Also because ripcord is featureless and doesn't help me preview certain videos before I go and open them like a retard.