Be honest. Does he make you seethe?

Be honest. Does he make you seethe?

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No I feel bad for him. He was too drugged up by the end of the war. His underlyings took power into their own hands and took advantage of him.

nah not really. hes too ancient in history for me. like asking if the wolfpack that slaughtered a fellow neanderthal tribe makes me seethe. i do not care, i wasnt involved with the victims, and they old anyways.

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His heart was in the right place but he was only human and he made a few mistakes.

Nah, I don't really give a shit

I thought he was a cool guy till I learned that he crossed state lines into Poland.

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Yes. Fuck Nazi scum!

I'll assume you're being ironic but daily reminder that the Chinese have committed way worse war crimes. CNN doesn't want you to know. Call me racist if you'd like, it's still true.

Can you only hate the worst of something?

Fucking loser couldn't do anything right

No, he's dead

Why's he always so mean to Spiderman?

He had great ideas, executed them poorly though

nobody gives a shit if you starve/genocide millions of your own people. hitler couldve gasses all the jews in germany and nobody wouldve blinked
he challenged the world order by demanding hegemony over all of europe, this was the reason for the war.
china is no different, we will only start blaming them for their crimes when they start to take taiwan and the south pacific

There's no way I'd still even be alive after all of these years.

>few mistakes
distroyed half of europe then gave it to commies
killing white people
founding israel
finished colonialism
yeah, ge good boy, he dindu nuffin

Europeans have killed each other for millennia. It's called tribalism, nigger. Plus, Balfour founded shitsrael. And the Allies gave the USSR half of Europe by keeping them alive through lend-lease. A pure German-Soviet conflict without help from America would have been a true clash of civilisations and one that Hitler would have won.

Attached: Balfour declaration.jpg (1600x900, 300.02K)

Why would anyone who isn't a kike seethe over this based man?


i love peoples reactions wen i tell them he wasn't a bad guy. people have this knee jerk reaction to anything to do with him. i've broken out of that false, programmed way of thinking and interpreting history and i try and see it for what it is and seeing him and who the German people were during that time.

he was not some extremely evil and sadistic, hate filled villain. he was essentially the opposite of that, especially in the eyes of the German people. you don't get worshipped and adored like that by just being a piece of shit.. you get that sort of following with genuine charisma, empathy.. passion. was he "furious" about certain things.. yes but beneath it all it was justified or for wholesome reasons.. to protect and preserve their people, heritage and country.

i was just thinking a few minutes ago on the drive home about this becaues i mentioned it to a friend the otherday who tried to tell me no, he was a really bad guy.. why? he felt obligated to.. his grandfather fought in WW2.. however when i think about it.. Hitler was probably a better man and human being than the vast majority of people i've ever known or even encountered in life.

Because he killed "LE HECKIN WHITES", even though National Socialism was never a white thing to begin with. It's just that all of Germany's adversaries had extremely anti-white agendas. Which are of course incompatible with an extremely pro-Volk ideology.

Truth is,Hitler would be viewed like Napoleon if he didn't go against the jews and make them assblasted forever.
So instead of treating him like a romanticised, tragic hero we have to read bullshit about his "small penis", "one testicle", nigger ancestry and meth addiction in (((western press))) for all eternity.

all that work, and effort, and manpower...
and he could only exterminate 6 million pests?
what a fucking rookie...

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you must be american
yes we have kulled for millennia but it does not man we should
last years of 19th century were belle epoque just becouse we did not fight on our grass
balfourt gave only empty promises, before ww2 no one treats it seriuosly but some sionists
in 30s nazis even support 'exodus' and 'holocoust' has tipped the scales
2ww did not break out in 1941 but 2 years ealier and germans and commies did it together
allies just did not want to watch as germans and commies distroy europe

You probably think the same about Putin. I guess the height is what doing it for you.

Perhaps he would have gotten farther east, but Operation Barbarossa was doomed at its outset.

Only 20% of the wermacht was mechanized and capable of blitzkrieg, which was the entire plan. German soldiers were woefully unprepared for winter. Panzers were bogged down into the mud, and many had unreliable transmissions and were constantly breaking down, requiring maintenance, again slowing the blitzkrieg.

Meanwhile, the Luftwaffe's support capabilities were drastically oversold by Goering. The War for Britain was downing far more aircraft than Goering realized, in part because everyone of his subordinates were afraid of his fat opioid addicted ass.

The Soviet production capacity had the ability to keep moving east during winter, allowing them to outpace the German war production.

Combine this with the fuel starvation issues that the German supply chains were facing, exacerbated by the Afrikacorps defeats to Monty, and the outcome was decided before the first German soldier boarded a train to head east.