Im so close to informing my friends about my preferred name and that I’d like to use she/her pronouns :(

Im so close to informing my friends about my preferred name and that I’d like to use she/her pronouns :(

Attached: B286B7B5-4049-42FF-8B8D-AE7C9EAFE80B.jpg (1016x766, 259.72K)

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so, what's your name?

Stunning and brave. Be sure to check back and let us all know how it goes. :)

Emilia :)

Im still not sure if I should :(

They don't care. You should just kys instead

That’d be stupid.
There’s no such thing as transitioning.
We’d all like to be this way or that, yours is just an extension of your homosexuality and desire to not be considered that. Be comfortable with yourself. A femme male is fine

why? Any reason in particular?

I just really like that name, it’s beautiful

Zoomers are truly a lost cause

oh. Well, good luck with your friends!

I agree it would be a pretty name if you were a woman, but you’re not, so go with Emilio. Let Emilia be your drag name if you want to pretend to be a woman sometimes

Thanks a lot!!

You really want me to kill myself don’t you

Attached: 465C6E43-CB21-43EB-B200-84F9EA896CD5.jpg (900x720, 92.07K)

YWNBAW so what's even the point? You're just living a hedonistic lifestyle that does nobody good

I wish you would realize changing your name and pronouns isn't going to change how people see you. They'll still see you as the same person but now they'll have to go "oh, right I'm supposed to say she" in their head every time they start to talk to you

Why do you want to be a woman? Honest question

That's a question easy for anyone to answer. You get the "oh im just a wittle woman i can't help it hehe" also with the "i am a stong woman hear me roar" at the same time. You get the cake and eat it too. White women in particular won the oppression Olympics.

It's not surprising so many younger generation men are falling into this, when it's essentially them trying to get on "easy peasy" difficulty mode.

I don't want you to kill yourself but I don't want you to ruin your life either. Just act normal, please. Trans people are a psyop.

It sounds generic yeah, but I just always felt more like a woman instead of a dude.

I can’t stand men at all

I’ve been trying to act normal for my whole life now, I’m so close to ending it tho because I can’t keep this shit up anymore

Especially since my cancer diagnosis….

I just want to be happy in my life….

That's because you're failing to live up to your manhood. The solution isn't to give up and say "well fuck, I guess I'm a woman". The solution is to gradually conform until you're proud of yourself.

Bro i think you have bigger things to worry about than your pronouns. This is a troll, right? Could be a sketch. Some stage cancer patient on chemo losing their hair going "it's MAM -ack *cough*"

Show us your boipussy.

Shit. Alright, well if you're sure this is what you want you have the blessing of this Internet stranger. Do you and be happy, pal.

>I just always felt more like a woman instead of a dude.
no you just think being a male is hard and being a woman would be easymode

every single time, every trans person ever, you say no no no that's not it, then after wasting time finally you say ok yeah.

Then do it. Some might be fine with it, some might not. Can't please everyone and everyone can't please you.

That’s not the problem, I couldn’t care less about what think of me

I just want to make people see who I really am

I hate everything about manhood. I despise being a man


You internet people make it seem like there was a time a few weeks ago where I randomly went „yeah from now on I’ll be trans“?

Yeah it’s def not something I’ve felt all my life and gave me so much pain that I considered suicide many times

Im sending this with honest intentions, not to troll you or diminish you. I jope you can get to a place where you feel good with yourself OP

With people I mean my important friends, and yes, I have them.

And they are very important to me, not just some random strangers like you

We will still see you as male, faggot.